base in Arabic

Meaning of base in Arabic is: (أساس، أسس، بنى) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

base in Arabic

Arabic for base

1) base-noun


  ∘ base meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] the main place where you live or stay or where a business operates from

الأساس هو الأصل

  ∘ Plural of أساس in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of base in Arabic and English

He travels a lot, but Beirut is the base where he lives.

يسافر كثيرا، لكن بيّروت هي الأساس حيّث يقيم.

The base of the organization is in Swiss and the branches are everywhere in the world.

إن المنظّمة الأساس في سويسرا و الفروع في كل أنحاء العالم.

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This city is the base of economic growth.

هذه المدينة هي الأساس للنماء الاقتصادي.

  ∘ How to pronounce base in English?

The word base is pronounced in English as

2) base-verb


  ∘ base meaning in Arabic & English

to use a particular city, town, etc. as the main place for a business, holiday, etc.

أسس شيّء ما أيّ وضع له قاعدة

Click to show conjugation of أسس

  ∘ أسس past tense conjugation in Arabic

أسس أسست أسسنا أسسوا

  ∘ أسس present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يأسس تأسس أأسس نأسس يأسسون تأسسون

  ∘ أسس imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أسس أسسي أسسوا

  ∘ Examples of base in Arabic and English

The newspaper based itself in Paris.

أسست الجريدة نفسها في باريس.

They are working to base a new hotel in this city.

يعملون ليأسسوا فندق جديد في هذه المدينة.

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The center was based in London until recently.

أسس المركز في لندن حتى وقت قريب.

  ∘ How to pronounce base in English?

The word base is pronounced in English as

3) base-verb


  ∘ base meaning in Arabic & English

to use a particular city, town, etc. as the main place for a business, holiday, etc.

بنى أيّ أقام أو أنشأ

Click to show conjugation of بنى

  ∘ بنى past tense conjugation in Arabic

بنى بنت بنيّنا بنوا

  ∘ بنى present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يبني تبني أبني نبني يبنون تبنون

  ∘ بنى imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

ابني ابني ابنوا

  ∘ Examples of base in Arabic and English

His opinion was based on false information.

بنى رأيّه على معلومات خاطئة.

His stories are based on real events.

يبني قصصه على وقائع.

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The economy of countries is based on different sources.

يبنى اقتصاد البلدان على مصادر مختلفة.

  ∘ How to pronounce base in English?

The word base is pronounced in English as

4) base-verb

تمركز -فعل

  ∘ base meaning in Arabic & English

to use a particular city, town, etc. as the main place for a business, holiday, etc.

تمركز في مكان ما أيّ اتخذه مقرا

Click to show conjugation of تمركز

  ∘ تمركز past tense conjugation in Arabic

تمركز تمركزت تمركزنا تمركزوا

  ∘ تمركز present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يتمركز تتمركز أتمركز نتمركز يتمركزون تتمركزون

  ∘ تمركز imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

تمركز تمركزي تمركزوا

  ∘ Examples of base in Arabic and English

The company was based in Lebanon.

تمركزت الشركة في لبنان.

She will base herself in a better place.

سوف تتمركز في مكان أفضل.

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They based themselves in Jordan to start business.

تمركزوا في الأردن ليبدأوا العمل في التجارة.

  ∘ How to pronounce base in English?

The word base is pronounced in English as

5) base-noun


  ∘ base meaning in Arabic & English

[countable, usually singular] the people, activity, etc. from which somebody/something gets most of their support, income, power, etc.

الركيزة هي الأساس الذي يرتكز عليّه شخص ما أو شيّء ما من أجل الدعم المادي أو المعنوي أو ال..........

  ∘ Plural of ركيزة in Arabic

ركاز ركائز

  ∘ Examples of base in Arabic and English

They have built a strong business base.

بنوا ركيزة تجاريّ قويّة.

The country developed a great economic base.

طوّرت البلاد ركيزة اقتصاديّة ضخم.

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The center depends on a wide data base.

يعتمد المركز على ركيزة واسعة من الحقائق العلميّة.

  ∘ How to pronounce base in English?

The word base is pronounced in English as

6) base-noun


  ∘ base meaning in Arabic & English

[countable, usually singular] the lowest part of something, especially the part or surface on which it rests or stands

القاعدة هي ما يرتكز عليّه الشيّء

  ∘ Plural of قاعدة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of base in Arabic and English

The column stands on a metallic base.

يرتكز العامود على قاعدة معدنيّة.

The frying pan has a flat base.

لمقلاة القلي قاعدة مسطّحة.

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After the attack the army returned to naval base.

عاد الجيّش إلى القاعدة البحريّة بعد الهجوم.

  ∘ How to pronounce base in English?

The word base is pronounced in English as

Arabic for base

1) base-noun


  ∘ base meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] the main place where you live or stay or where a business operates from

الأساس هو الأصل

  ∘ Plural of أساس in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of base in Arabic and English

He travels a lot, but Beirut is the base where he lives.

يسافر كثيراً، لكن بيّروت هي الأساس حيّث يقيم.

The base of the organization is in Swiss and the branches are everywhere in the world.

إن المنظّمة الأساس في سويسرا و الفروع في كل أنحاء العالم.

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This city is the base of economic growth.

هذه المدينة هي الأساس للنماء الاقتصادي.

  ∘ How to pronounce base in English?

The word base is pronounced in English as

2) base-verb


  ∘ base meaning in Arabic & English

to use a particular city, town, etc. as the main place for a business, holiday, etc.

أسس شيّء ما أيّ وضع له قاعدة

Click to show conjugation of أسس

  ∘ أسس past tense conjugation in Arabic

أسس أسست أسسنا أسسوا

  ∘ أسس present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يأسس تأسس أأسس نأسس يأسسون تأسسون

  ∘ أسس imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أسس أسسي أسسوا

  ∘ Examples of base in Arabic and English

The newspaper based itself in Paris.

أسست الجريدة نفسها في باريس.

They are working to base a new hotel in this city.

يعملون ليأسسوا فندق جديد في هذه المدينة.

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The center was based in London until recently.

أُسس المركز في لندن حتى وقت قريب.

  ∘ How to pronounce base in English?

The word base is pronounced in English as

3) base-verb


  ∘ base meaning in Arabic & English

to use a particular city, town, etc. as the main place for a business, holiday, etc.

بنى أيّ أقام أو أنشأ

Click to show conjugation of بنى

  ∘ بنى past tense conjugation in Arabic

بنى بنت بنيّنا بنوا

  ∘ بنى present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يبني تبني أبني نبني يبنون تبنون

  ∘ بنى imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

ابني ابني ابنوا

  ∘ Examples of base in Arabic and English

His opinion was based on false information.

بنى رأيّه على معلومات خاطئة.

His stories are based on real events.

يبني قصصه على وقائع.

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The economy of countries is based on different sources.

يُبنى اقتصاد البلدان على مصادر مختلفة.

  ∘ How to pronounce base in English?

The word base is pronounced in English as

4) base-verb

تمركز -فعل

  ∘ base meaning in Arabic & English

to use a particular city, town, etc. as the main place for a business, holiday, etc.

تمركز في مكان ما أيّ اتخذه مقراً

Click to show conjugation of تمركز

  ∘ تمركز past tense conjugation in Arabic

تمركز تمركزت تمركزنا تمركزوا

  ∘ تمركز present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يتمركز تتمركز أتمركز نتمركز يتمركزون تتمركزون

  ∘ تمركز imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

تمركز تمركزي تمركزوا

  ∘ Examples of base in Arabic and English

The company was based in Lebanon.

تمركزت الشركة في لبنان.

She will base herself in a better place.

سوف تتمركز في مكان أفضل.

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They based themselves in Jordan to start business.

تمركزوا في الأردن ليبدأوا العمل في التجارة.

  ∘ How to pronounce base in English?

The word base is pronounced in English as

5) base-noun


  ∘ base meaning in Arabic & English

[countable, usually singular] the people, activity, etc. from which somebody/something gets most of their support, income, power, etc.

الركيزة هي الأساس الذي يرتكز عليّه شخص ما أو شيّء ما من أجل الدعم المادي أو المعنوي أو ال..........

  ∘ Plural of ركيزة in Arabic

ركاز ركائز

  ∘ Examples of base in Arabic and English

They have built a strong business base.

بنوا ركيزة تجاريّ قويّة.

The country developed a great economic base.

طوّرت البلاد ركيزة اقتصاديّة ضخم.

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The center depends on a wide data base.

يعتمد المركز على ركيزة واسعة من الحقائق العلميّة.

  ∘ How to pronounce base in English?

The word base is pronounced in English as

6) base-noun


  ∘ base meaning in Arabic & English

[countable, usually singular] the lowest part of something, especially the part or surface on which it rests or stands

القاعدة هي ما يرتكز عليّه الشيّء

  ∘ Plural of قاعدة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of base in Arabic and English

The column stands on a metallic base.

يرتكز العامود على قاعدة معدنيّة.

The frying pan has a flat base.

لمقلاة القلي قاعدة مسطّحة.

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After the attack the army returned to naval base.

عاد الجيّش إلى القاعدة البحريّة بعد الهجوم.

  ∘ How to pronounce base in English?

The word base is pronounced in English as
