banner in Arabic

Meaning of banner in Arabic is: (رَايَة، لَافِتَة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

banner in Arabic

Arabic for banner

1) banner-noun


  ∘ banner meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Plural of راية in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of banner in Arabic and English

Our nation strove under the banner of ' freedom and dignity

كافحت أمّتنا تحت رايات الحرّيّة والكرامة

  ∘ How to pronounce banner in English?

The word banner is pronounced in English as

2) banner-noun


  ∘ banner meaning in Arabic & English

a banner is a long strip of cloth with something written on it. Banners are usually attached to two poles and carried during a protest or rally.

  ∘ Plural of لافتة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of banner in Arabic and English

Crowds of demonstrators carried banners opposing the repressive regime

حمل المتظاهرون لافتات مناهضة للنّظام القمعيّ

A plane trailing a banner that said 'Freedom and Peace' was circling overhead

حلّقت طائرة حاملة لافتة كتب عليها "الحرّيّة والسّلام" في سماء المنطقة

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Banners are demanding salary increase

تطالب اللّافتات بزيادة المرتّبات

  ∘ How to pronounce banner in English?

The word banner is pronounced in English as

Arabic for banner

1) banner-noun


  ∘ banner meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Plural of رَايَة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of banner in Arabic and English

Our nation strove under the banner of ' freedom and dignity

كَافَحَتْ أُمَّتُنَا تَحْتَ رَايَاتِ الحُرِّيَّةِ وَالكَرَامَةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce banner in English?

The word banner is pronounced in English as

2) banner-noun


  ∘ banner meaning in Arabic & English

a banner is a long strip of cloth with something written on it. Banners are usually attached to two poles and carried during a protest or rally.

  ∘ Plural of لَافِتَة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of banner in Arabic and English

Crowds of demonstrators carried banners opposing the repressive regime

حَمَلَ المُتَظَاهِرُوْنَ لَافِتَاتٍ مُنَاهِضَةً لِلنِّظَامِ القَمْعِيِّ

A plane trailing a banner that said 'Freedom and Peace' was circling overhead

حَلَّقَتْ طَائِرَةٌ حَامِلَةً لَافِتَةً كُتِبَ عَلَيْهَا "الحُرِّيَّةُ وَالسَّلَامُ" فِيْ سَمَاءِ المَنْطِقَةِ

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Banners are demanding salary increase

تُطَالِبُ اللَّافِتَاتُ بِزِيَادَةِ المُرَتَّبَاتِ

  ∘ How to pronounce banner in English?

The word banner is pronounced in English as
