artistic in Arabic

Meaning of artistic in Arabic is: (ابداعيّ، فنيّ) among others. This article contains pronunciation, examples, and more!

Arabic for artistic

1) artistic-adj


  ∘ artistic meaning in Arabic & English

done with skill and imagination; attractive or beautiful

ابداعيّ أيّ يمتلك مهارات في الابداع و الابتكار

  ∘ Examples of artistic in Arabic and English

They made the toys in a very artistic way.

صنعوا الدمى بطريقة ابداعيّة.

He has artistic talents in his work.

لديّه مواهب ابداعيّة في عمله.

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Damascus and Aleppo are famous for their artistic handcrafted furniture.

تشتهر دمشق و حلب بالأثاث اليدويّ الابداعيّ.

2) artistic-adj


  ∘ artistic meaning in Arabic & English

connected with art or artists

فنيّ أيّ مرتبط بالفن و أعمال الفن

  ∘ Examples of artistic in Arabic and English

The exhibition contained different artistic styles.

احتوى المعرض على أنماط فنيّة مختلفة.

Some paints here are good artistic works.

إن بعض اللوحات هنا أعمال فنيّة جيّدة.

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The decoration in the hall has an artistic touch.

تضفو لمسات فنيّة على ديكور هذه القاعة.

Arabic for artistic

1) artistic-adj


  ∘ artistic meaning in Arabic & English

done with skill and imagination; attractive or beautiful

ابداعيّ أيّ يمتلك مهارات في الابداع و الابتكار

  ∘ Examples of artistic in Arabic and English

They made the toys in a very artistic way.

صنعوا الدمى بطريقة ابداعيّة.

He has artistic talents in his work.

لديّه مواهب ابداعيّة في عمله.

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Damascus and Aleppo are famous for their artistic handcrafted furniture.

تشتهر دمشق و حلب بالأثاث اليدويّ الابداعيّ.

2) artistic-adj


  ∘ artistic meaning in Arabic & English

connected with art or artists

فنيّ أيّ مرتبط بالفن و أعمال الفن

  ∘ Examples of artistic in Arabic and English

The exhibition contained different artistic styles.

احتوى المعرض على أنماط فنيّة مختلفة.

Some paints here are good artistic works.

إن بعض اللوحات هنا أعمال فنيّة جيّدة.

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The decoration in the hall has an artistic touch.

تضفو لمسات فنيّة على ديكور هذه القاعة.
