appetite in Arabic

Meaning of appetite in Arabic is: (رَغْبَةٌ، شَهِيَّة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

appetite in Arabic

Arabic for appetite

1) appetite-noun

رغبة -اسم

  ∘ appetite meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Plural of رغبة in Arabic

رغبات و رغبات

  ∘ Examples of appetite in Arabic and English

sexual desire.

رغبة جنسيّة.

Her increasing appetite for fame

رغبتها المتزايدة بالشهرة.

  ∘ How to pronounce appetite in English?

The word appetite is pronounced in English as

2) appetite-noun


  ∘ appetite meaning in Arabic & English

Your appetite is your desire to eat.

  ∘ Examples of appetite in Arabic and English

Many diseases cause a loss of appetite.

تسبب العديد من الأمراض فقدان الشهيّة.

to lose weight, you must learn how to suppress your appetite.

لتخفيف الوزن ، يجب أن تتعلم كيفيّة كبح الشهيّة.

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Don't spoil your appetite on snacks.

لا تفسد شهيّتك على الوجبات الخفيفة.

  ∘ How to pronounce appetite in English?

The word appetite is pronounced in English as

Arabic for appetite

1) appetite-noun

رَغْبَةٌ -اسم

  ∘ appetite meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Plural of رَغْبَةٌ in Arabic

رَغَبَات و رَغْبَات

  ∘ Examples of appetite in Arabic and English

sexual desire.

رَغَبَةٌ جِنْسِيَّةٌ.

Her increasing appetite for fame

رَغْبَتُهَا الْمُتَزَايدَةُ باِلْشُهْرَةِ.

  ∘ How to pronounce appetite in English?

The word appetite is pronounced in English as

2) appetite-noun


  ∘ appetite meaning in Arabic & English

Your appetite is your desire to eat.

  ∘ Examples of appetite in Arabic and English

Many diseases cause a loss of appetite.

تُسَبِبُ الْعَدِيْدُ مِنَ الْأَمْرَاضِ فُقْدَانَ الْشَهِيَّةِ.

to lose weight, you must learn how to suppress your appetite.

لِتَخْفَيْفِ الْوَزْنِ ، يَجِبُ أَنْ تَتَعَلَمَ كَيْفِيَّةَ كَبْحِ الْشَهِيَّةِ.

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Don't spoil your appetite on snacks.

لَاْ تُفْسِدْ شَهِيَّتَكَ عَلَى الْوَجْبَاتِ الْخَفِيْفَةِ.

  ∘ How to pronounce appetite in English?

The word appetite is pronounced in English as
