alike in Arabic

Meaning of alike in Arabic is: (على حدّ سواءَ، مُتَشَابِه) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

alike in Arabic

Arabic for alike

1) alike-adverb

على حدّ سواء-

  ∘ alike meaning in Arabic & English

in the same or a similar way.

  ∘ Examples of alike in Arabic and English

HE tried to treat all visitors alike.

حاول معاملة جميع الزوار على حد سواء.

He is nice to staff and clients alike.

هو جيد مع الموظفين و العملاء على حد سواء.

  ∘ How to pronounce alike in English?

The word alike is pronounced in English as

2) alike-adj


  ∘ alike meaning in Arabic & English

similar to each other.

مؤنثه: متشابهة

  ∘ Examples of alike in Arabic and English

Rogs are all alike to me.

السجاد كله متشابه بالنسبة ئليّ.

Great minds think alike.

العقول العظيمة تفكر بشكل متشابه.

  ∘ How to pronounce alike in English?

The word alike is pronounced in English as

Arabic for alike

1) alike-adverb

على حدّ سواءَ-

  ∘ alike meaning in Arabic & English

in the same or a similar way.

  ∘ Examples of alike in Arabic and English

He is nice to staff and clients alike.

هَوَ جَيْدٌ مَعَ الْمُوَظَفِيْنَ وَ الْعُمَلَاء عَلَى حِدِِ سَواء.

  ∘ How to pronounce alike in English?

The word alike is pronounced in English as

2) alike-adj


  ∘ alike meaning in Arabic & English

similar to each other.

مؤنثه: مُتَشَابِهُة

  ∘ Examples of alike in Arabic and English

Rogs are all alike to me.

الْسُجَادُ كُلُهُ مُتَشَابِهٌ بِالْنِسْبَةِ ئِلَيَّ.

Great minds think alike.

الَعُقُولُ الْعَظِيْمَةُ تُفَكِرُ بِشَكْلِِ مُتَشَابِهِِ.

  ∘ How to pronounce alike in English?

The word alike is pronounced in English as
