English for يعادل
1) equivalent -noun
∘ معادل meaning in English & Arabic
something that has the same value, purpose, job etc as something else
المعادل هو المساوي شيئا ما في القيمة أو الأهمّيّة أو الوظيفة
∘ Examples of معادل in English and Arabic
Saudi Arabia's production of oil is the equivalent of 10 millions barrels a day
إنتاج السّعوديّة من النّفط معادل لعشرة ملايين برميل يوميّا
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∘ How to pronounce معادل in English?
equivalent is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
English for يعادل
1) equivalent -noun
∘ مُعَادِل meaning in English & Arabic
something that has the same value, purpose, job etc as something else
المُعَادِلُ هُوَ المُسَاوِيْ شَيْئًا مَا فِيْ القِيْمَةِ أَوِ الأَهَمِّيَّةِ أَوِ الوَظِيْفَةِ
∘ Examples of مُعَادِل in English and Arabic
Saudi Arabia's production of oil is the equivalent of 10 millions barrels a day
إِنْتَاجُ السُّعُوْدِيَّةِ مِنَ النِّفْطِ مُعَادِلٌ لِعَشَرَةِ مَلَايِيْنَ بِرْمِيْلَ يَوْمِيًّا
More Examples
∘ How to pronounce مُعَادِل in English?
equivalent is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦