واسى in English

Meaning of واسى in English is: (comfort) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

واسى بالانجليزي

English for واسى


1) comfort-verb


  ∘ واسى meaning in English & Arabic

to make somebody who is worried or unhappy feel better by being kind and showing sympathy to them

واسى أي جعل شخص قلق أو غير سعيد يشعر بتحسن من خلال ملاطفته وإظهار التعاطف معه

  ∘ Examples of واسى in English and Arabic

Listening to music can comfort someone feeling down.

.الاستماع إلى الموسيقى يمكن أن يواسي شخصا يشعر بالحزن

They comforted the victims of the disaster.

.واسوا ضحايا الكارثة

More Examples

They comforted each other after the bad news.

واسوا بعضهم بعضا بعد الأخبار السيئة.

The nurse comforted the patient with gentle words.

واست الممرضة المريض بكلمات لطيفة.

  ∘ How to pronounce واسى in English?

comfort is pronounced in English as

English for واسى


1) comfort-verb


  ∘ واسى meaning in English & Arabic

to make somebody who is worried or unhappy feel better by being kind and showing sympathy to them

واسى أي جعل شخص قلق أو غير سعيد يشعر بتحسن من خلال ملاطفته وإظهار التعاطف معه

  ∘ Examples of واسى in English and Arabic

Listening to music can comfort someone feeling down.

.الاستماع إلى الموسيقى يمكن أن يواسي شخصًا يشعر بالحزن

They comforted the victims of the disaster.

.واسوا ضحايا الكارثة

More Examples

They comforted each other after the bad news.

واسوا بعضهم بعضًا بعد الأخبار السيئة.

The nurse comforted the patient with gentle words.

واست الممرضة المريض بكلمات لطيفة.

  ∘ How to pronounce واسى in English?

comfort is pronounced in English as
