منفذ in English

Meaning of منفذ in English is: (outlet) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

منفذ بالانجليزي

English for منفذ


1) outlet-noun


  ∘ منفذ meaning in English & Arabic

a shop or an organization that sells goods made by a particular company or of a particular type

المنفذ هو متجر أو محلّ يبيع سلعة تصنّعها شركة محدّدة

  ∘ Plural of منفذ in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of منفذ in English and Arabic

The company has 200 sales outlets nationwide

لشركتنا 200 منفذ بيع على مستوى البلاد

We have retail outlets in every major city in Egypt

عندنا منافذ بيع بالتّجزئة في كلّ مدينة رئيسيّة في مصر

More Examples

Fast-food outlets

منافذ بيع الوجبات السّريعة

  ∘ How to pronounce منفذ in English?

outlet is pronounced in English as



  ∘ منفذ meaning in English & Arabic

a shop that sells goods of a particular make at reduced prices

المنفذ هو متجر تابع لشركة أو معمل محدّد لبيع منتجاته بأسعار مخفّضة

  ∘ Plural of منفذ in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of منفذ in English and Arabic

The company's outlets that sell to the public directly

منافذ الشّركة الّتي تبيع للنّاس مباشرة

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  ∘ منفذ meaning in English & Arabic

a pipe or hole through which liquid or gas can flow out

المنفذ هو فتحة أو أنبوب يتدفّق منه الغاز أو السّائل

  ∘ Plural of منفذ in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of منفذ in English and Arabic

Oxygen outlets

منافذ الأكسجين

English for منفذ


1) outlet-noun


  ∘ مَنْفَذ meaning in English & Arabic

a shop or an organization that sells goods made by a particular company or of a particular type

المَنْفَذُ هُوَ مَتْجَرٌ أَوْ مَحَلٌّ يَبِيْعُ سِلْعَةً تُصَنِّعُهَا شَرِكَةً مُحَدَّدَةً

  ∘ Plural of مَنْفَذ in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of مَنْفَذ in English and Arabic

The company has 200 sales outlets nationwide

لِشَرِكَتِنَا 200 مَنْفَذَ بَيْعٍ عَلَىْ مُسْتَوَىْ البِلَادِ

We have retail outlets in every major city in Egypt

عِنْدَنَا مَنَافِذُ بَيْعٍ بِالتَّجْزِئَةِ فِيْ كُلِّ مَدِيْنَةٍ رَئِيْسِيَّةٍ فِيْ مِصْرَ

More Examples

Fast-food outlets

مَنَافِذُ بَيْعِ الوَجَبَاتِ السَّرِيْعَةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce مَنْفَذ in English?

outlet is pronounced in English as



  ∘ مَنْفَذ meaning in English & Arabic

a shop that sells goods of a particular make at reduced prices

المَنْفَذُ هُوَ مَتْجَرٌ تَابِعٌ لِشَرِكَةٍ أَوْ مَعْمَلٍ مُحَدَّدٍ لِبَيْعِ مُنْتَجَاتِهِ بِأَسْعَارٍ مُخَفَّضَةٍ

  ∘ Plural of مَنْفَذ in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of مَنْفَذ in English and Arabic

The company's outlets that sell to the public directly

مَنَافِذُ الشَّرِكَةِ الَّتِيْ تَبِيْعُ لِلنَّاسِ مُبَاشَرَةً

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  ∘ مَنْفَذ meaning in English & Arabic

a pipe or hole through which liquid or gas can flow out

المَنْفَذُ هُوَ فُتْحَةٌ أَوْ أُنْبُوْبٌ يَتَدَفَّقُ مِنْهُ الغَازُ أَوِ السَّائِلُ

  ∘ Plural of مَنْفَذ in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of مَنْفَذ in English and Arabic

Oxygen outlets

مَنَافِذُ الأُكْسِجِيْنَ
