محامي in English

Meaning of محامي in English is: (bar, solicitor, attorney) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

محامي بالانجليزي

English for محامي


1) bar-noun


  ∘ محامي meaning in English & Arabic

the Bar: the profession of barrister; the profession of any kind of lawyer

  ∘ Plural of محامي in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of محامي in English and Arabic

Are you called to the Bar?

هل سمح لك بالعمل كمحام؟

  ∘ How to pronounce محامي in English?

bar is pronounced in English as

2) solicitor-noun

محام -اسم

  ∘ محام meaning in English & Arabic

(British English) a lawyer who prepares legal documents, for example for the sale of land or buildings, advises people on legal matters, and can speak for them in some courts of law

المحام هو شخص قانونيّ يقوم بإعداد الوثائق القانونيّة كوثائق البيع والشّراء ونحوها ويمكنه أيضا تقديم المشورة القانونيّة للأفراد وتمثيلهم في المحاكم الدّنيا

  ∘ Plural of محام in Arabic

محامون / محامين / محاميات

  ∘ Examples of محام in English and Arabic

You should contact a solicitor for legal advice

ينبغي عليك الاتّصال بمحام ليقدّم لك المشورة القانونيّة

We discussed the matter with our family's solicitor

ناقشنا المسألة مع محامي عائلتنا

More Examples

Sarah is still a trainee solicitor

لا تزال سارة محامية متدرّبة

a practising solicitor

محام ممارس

We are training to be qualified solicitors

نتدرّب لنصبح محامين أكفّاء

3) attorney -noun


  ∘ محامي meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Plural of محامي in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of محامي in English and Arabic

Give me the number of your former attorney

أعطني رقم محاميك السّابق

Her attorney advised her to plead guilty

نصحها محاميها بالإقرار بالذّنب

More Examples

Acting on his attorney advice

عملا بنصيحة محاميه

  ∘ How to pronounce محامي in English?

attorney is pronounced in English as

English for محامي


1) bar-noun


  ∘ مُحَامِي meaning in English & Arabic

the Bar: the profession of barrister; the profession of any kind of lawyer

  ∘ Plural of مُحَامِي in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of مُحَامِي in English and Arabic

Are you called to the Bar?

هُلْ سُمِحَ لَكَ بِالعَمَلِ كَمُحَامٍ؟

  ∘ How to pronounce مُحَامِي in English?

bar is pronounced in English as

2) solicitor-noun

مُحَامٍ -اسم

  ∘ مُحَامٍ meaning in English & Arabic

(British English) a lawyer who prepares legal documents, for example for the sale of land or buildings, advises people on legal matters, and can speak for them in some courts of law

المُحَامِ هُوَ شَخْصٌ قَانُوْنِيٌّ يَقُوْمُ بِإِعْدَادِ الوَثَائِقِ القَانُوْنِيَّةِ كَوَثَائِقِ البَيْعِ وَالشِّرَاءِ وَنَحْوِهَا وَيُمْكِنُهُ أَيْضًا تَقْدِيْمُ المَشُوْرَةِ القَانُوْنِيَّةِ لِلْأَفْرَادِ وَتَمْثِيْلِهِمْ فِيْ المَحَاكِمِ الدُّنْيَا

  ∘ Plural of مُحَامٍ in Arabic

مُحَامُوْنَ / مُحَامِيْنَ / مُحَامِيَات

  ∘ Examples of مُحَامٍ in English and Arabic

You should contact a solicitor for legal advice

يَنْبَغِيْ عَلَيْكَ الِاتِّصَالُ بِمُحَامٍ لِيُقَدِّمَ لَكَ المَشُوْرَةَ القَانُوْنِيَّةَ

We discussed the matter with our family's solicitor

نَاقَشْنَا المَسْأَلَةَ مَعَ مُحَامِيْ عَائِلَتِنَا

More Examples

Sarah is still a trainee solicitor

لَا تَزَالُ سَارَةُ مُحَامِيَةٌ مُتَدَرِّبَةٌ

a practising solicitor

مُحَامٍ مُمَارِسٌ

We are training to be qualified solicitors

نَتَدَرَّبُ لِنُصْبِحَ مُحَامِيْنَ أَكِفَّاءَ

3) attorney -noun


  ∘ مُحَامِي meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Plural of مُحَامِي in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of مُحَامِي in English and Arabic

Give me the number of your former attorney

أَعْطِنِيْ رَقَمَ مُحَامِيْكَ السَّابِقَ

Her attorney advised her to plead guilty

نَصَحَهَا مُحَامِيْهَا بِالإِقْرَارِ بِالذَّنْبِ

More Examples

Acting on his attorney advice

عَمَلًا بِنَصِيْحَةِ مُحَامِيْهِ

  ∘ How to pronounce مُحَامِي in English?

attorney is pronounced in English as
