لطيف in English

Meaning of لطيف in English is: (good, light, nice) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

لطيف بالانجليزي

English for لطيف


1) good -adj


  ∘ لطيف meaning in English & Arabic

nice and willing to help; showing kindness to other people

  ∘ Examples of لطيف in English and Arabic

An elderly that is good to children

عجوز لطيفة مع الأطفال

It was very good of you to invite me to the party

كان من لطفك دعوتي إلى الحفل

More Examples

The manager was good about the days if delay

كان المدير لطيفا بخصوص أيّام التّأخير

  ∘ How to pronounce لطيف in English?

good is pronounced in English as

2) light-adj


  ∘ Examples of لطيف in English and Arabic

She gave the cat a light pat.

ربّتت على القطة بلطف.

  ∘ How to pronounce لطيف in English?

light is pronounced in English as

3) nice-adj


  ∘ لطيف meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Examples of لطيف in English and Arabic

She has a nice smile.

ابتسامتها لطيفة.

We visited a nice little café in the city center.

زرنا مقهى صغير لطيف في مركز المدينة.

More Examples

He is nice to everyone.

هو لطيف مع الجميع.

That was a nice thing to say.

كان ما قلته لطيفا بحق.

They live in a nice neighborhood.

يعيشون في حي لطيف.

He met a nice family during his trip.

التقى بعائلة لطيفة خلال رحلته.

  ∘ How to pronounce لطيف in English?

nice is pronounced in English as

4) gentle-adj


  ∘ لطيف meaning in English & Arabic

calm and kind; doing things in a quiet and careful way

هادئ وطيب؛ يقوم بالأمور بطريقة هادئة وحريصة

  ∘ Examples of لطيف in English and Arabic

She spoke in a gentle voice.

تحدثت بصوت لطيف.

He showed a gentle behaviour towards the kids.

أظهر سلوكا لطيفا تجاه الأطفال.

More Examples

The gentle wind brushed her face.

لامس النسيم اللطيف وجهها.

Her gentle touch soothed the crying baby.

لمستها اللطيفة هدأ الطفل الباكي.

He has a gentle way of explaining things.

لديه طريقة لطيفة في شرح الأمور.

The doctor's gentle way made the patient feel comfortable.

جعلت طريقة الطبيب اللطيفة المريض يشعر بالراحة.

  ∘ How to pronounce لطيف in English?

gentle is pronounced in English as

English for لطيف


1) good -adj


  ∘ لَطِيْف meaning in English & Arabic

nice and willing to help; showing kindness to other people

  ∘ Examples of لَطِيْف in English and Arabic

An elderly that is good to children

عَجُوْزٌ لَطِيْفَةٌ مَعَ الأَطْفَالِ

It was very good of you to invite me to the party

كَانَ مِنْ لُطْفِكَ دَعْوَتِيَ إِلَىْ الحَفْلِ

More Examples

The manager was good about the days if delay

كَانَ المُدِيْرُ لَطِيْفًا بِخُصُوْصِ أَيَّامِ التَّأْخِيْرِ

  ∘ How to pronounce لَطِيْف in English?

good is pronounced in English as

2) light-adj


  ∘ Examples of لطيف in English and Arabic

She gave the cat a light pat.

رَبَّتَتْ عَلَى الْقِطَةِ بِلُطْفِِ.

  ∘ How to pronounce لطيف in English?

light is pronounced in English as

3) nice-adj


  ∘ لطيف meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Examples of لطيف in English and Arabic

She has a nice smile.

ابتسامتها لطيفة.

We visited a nice little café in the city center.

زرنا مقهى صغير لطيف في مركز المدينة.

More Examples

He is nice to everyone.

هو لطيف مع الجميع.

That was a nice thing to say.

كان ما قلته لطيفًا بحق.

They live in a nice neighborhood.

يعيشون في حي لطيف.

He met a nice family during his trip.

التقى بعائلة لطيفة خلال رحلته.

  ∘ How to pronounce لطيف in English?

nice is pronounced in English as

4) gentle-adj


  ∘ لَطِيْف meaning in English & Arabic

calm and kind; doing things in a quiet and careful way

هادئ وطيب؛ يقوم بالأمور بطريقة هادئة وحريصة

  ∘ Examples of لَطِيْف in English and Arabic

She spoke in a gentle voice.

تحدثت بصوت لطيف.

He showed a gentle behaviour towards the kids.

أظهر سلوكًا لطيفًا تجاه الأطفال.

More Examples

The gentle wind brushed her face.

لامس النسيم اللطيف وجهها.

Her gentle touch soothed the crying baby.

لمستها اللطيفة هدأ الطفل الباكي.

He has a gentle way of explaining things.

لديه طريقة لطيفة في شرح الأمور.

The doctor's gentle way made the patient feel comfortable.

جعلت طريقة الطبيب اللطيفة المريض يشعر بالراحة.

  ∘ How to pronounce لَطِيْف in English?

gentle is pronounced in English as
