قضيب in English

Meaning of قضيب in English is: (bar, rail, rod) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

قضيب بالانجليزي

English for قضيب


1) bar-


  ∘ قضيب meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Plural of قضيب in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of قضيب in English and Arabic

The metal bar bent due to high temperature

انثنى القضيب المعدنيّ من الحرارة المرتفعة

The fence was made by iron bars

صنع السّياج من القضبان الحديديّة

  ∘ How to pronounce قضيب in English?

bar is pronounced in English as

2) rail-noun


  ∘ قضيب meaning in English & Arabic

[countable] one of the two long metal tracks fastened to the ground that trains move along

القضيب هو أحد المسارين المعدنيّين الّذين يشكّلان سويّة سكّة القطار

  ∘ Plural of قضيب in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of قضيب in English and Arabic

A train went off the rails and fifty passengers died

خرج قطار عن القضبان مؤدّيا إلى وفاة خمسون راكبا

She was walking on the rail

كانت تسير على قضيب السّكّة الحديديّة

  ∘ How to pronounce قضيب in English?

rail is pronounced in English as

3) rod-noun


  ∘ قضيب meaning in English & Arabic

(often used in compounds) a long straight piece of wood, metal or glass

القضيب هو قطعة مستقيمة نحيلة اسطوانيّة من معدن ونحوه

  ∘ Plural of قضيب in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of قضيب in English and Arabic

The concrete beam is reinforced with steel rods

الجائز البيتونيّ (= الخرسانيّ) مسلّح بقضبان معدنيّة

How much are the curtain rods?

ما ثمن قضبان السّتائر؟

More Examples

They put a metal rod in his broken arm

أدخلوا قضيبا معدنيّا في ذراعه المكسورة

An iron rod

قضيب حديديّ

  ∘ How to pronounce قضيب in English?

rod is pronounced in English as

English for قضيب


1) bar-


  ∘ قَضِيْب meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Plural of قَضِيْب in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of قَضِيْب in English and Arabic

The metal bar bent due to high temperature

انْثَنَىْ القَضِيْبُ المَعْدَنِيُّ مِنَ الحَرَارَةِ المُرْتَفِعَةِ

The fence was made by iron bars

صُنِعَ السِّيَاجُ مِنَ القُضْبَانِ الحَدِيْدِيَّةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce قَضِيْب in English?

bar is pronounced in English as

2) rail-noun


  ∘ ِقَضِيْب meaning in English & Arabic

[countable] one of the two long metal tracks fastened to the ground that trains move along

القَضِيْبُ هُوَ أَحَدُ المَسَارَيْنِ المَعْدَنِيَّيَنْ ِالَّذَيْنِ يُشَكِّلَانِ سَوِيَّةً سِكَّةَ القِطَارِ

  ∘ Plural of ِقَضِيْب in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of ِقَضِيْب in English and Arabic

A train went off the rails and fifty passengers died

خَرَجَ قِطَارٌ عَنِ القُضْبَانِ مُؤَدِّيًا إِلَىْ وَفَاةِ خَمْسُوْنَ رَاكِبًا

She was walking on the rail

كَانَتْ تَسِيْرُ عَلَىْ قَضِيْبِ السِّكَّةِ الحَدِيْدِيَّةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce ِقَضِيْب in English?

rail is pronounced in English as

3) rod-noun


  ∘ قَضِيْب meaning in English & Arabic

(often used in compounds) a long straight piece of wood, metal or glass

القَضِيْبُ هُوَ قِطْعَةٌ مُسْتَقِيْمَةٌ نَحِيْلَةٌ اسْطُوَانِيَّةٌ مِنْ مَعْدَنٍ وَنَحْوِهِ

  ∘ Plural of قَضِيْب in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of قَضِيْب in English and Arabic

The concrete beam is reinforced with steel rods

الجَائِزُ البِيْتُوْنِيُّ (= الخَرَسَانِيُّ) مُسَلَّحٌ بِقُضْبَانٍ مَعْدَنِيَّةٍ

How much are the curtain rods?

مَا ثَمَنُ قُضْبَانِ السَّتَائِرِ؟

More Examples

They put a metal rod in his broken arm

أَدْخَلُوْا قَضِيْبًا مَعْدَنِيَّا فِيْ ذِرَاعِهِ المَكْسُوْرَةِ

An iron rod

قَضِيْبٌ حَدِيْدِيٌّ

  ∘ How to pronounce قَضِيْب in English?

rod is pronounced in English as
