Arabic for concrete
1) concrete-adj
∘ concrete meaning in Arabic & English
∘ Examples of concrete in Arabic and English
∘ How to pronounce concrete in English?
The word concrete is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦
2) concrete-adj
∘ concrete meaning in Arabic & English
made of concrete
الباطونيّ: أي المصنوع من الإسمنت أو الخرسانة
∘ Examples of concrete in Arabic and English
Concrete walls surrounds the military compound
تحيط أسوار باطونيّة بالقطعة العسكريّة
A concrete building
بناء باطونيّ
∘ How to pronounce concrete in English?
The word concrete is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦
3) concrete-noun
∘ concrete meaning in Arabic & English
Concrete is a substance used for building which is made by mixing together cement, sand, small stones, and water.
الخرسانة: هي مادّة تستخدم في البناء, تتشكّل من خلط الإسمنت والرّمل والأحجار الصّغيرة والماء.
∘ Examples of concrete in Arabic and English
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Reinforced concrete
الخرسانة المسلّحة/ الإسمنت المسلّح
∘ How to pronounce concrete in English?
The word concrete is pronounced in English as
∘ concrete meaning in Arabic & English
made of concrete
الخرسانيّ: أي المصنوع من الإسمنت أو الخرسانة
∘ Examples of concrete in Arabic and English
Concrete walls surrounds the military compound
تحيط أسوار خرسانيّة بالقطعة العسكريّة
A concrete building
بناء خرسانيّ
∘ How to pronounce concrete in English?
The word concrete is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦
4) concrete-adj
∘ concrete meaning in Arabic & English
∘ Examples of concrete in Arabic and English
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∘ How to pronounce concrete in English?
The word concrete is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦
5) concrete-adj
∘ concrete meaning in Arabic & English
definite and specific
الملموس: أي المحدّد والواضح المحسوس
∘ Examples of concrete in Arabic and English
We need to have a concrete evidence to arrest him
نحتاج دليلا ملموسا لنعتقله
I do not want talks, I want concrete results
لا أريد كلاما, إنّما أريد نتائج ملموسة
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More concrete actions are required to change the bad situation in the Peninsula
يتطلّب تغيير الوضع السّيّء في شبه الجزيرة مزيدا من لإجراءات الملموسة
Concrete and abstract terms
المفاهيم الملموسة والمجرّدة
∘ How to pronounce concrete in English?
The word concrete is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦
Arabic for concrete
1) concrete-adj
∘ concrete meaning in Arabic & English
∘ Examples of concrete in Arabic and English
Concrete walls surrounds the military compound
تُحِيْطُ أَسْوَارٌ إِسْمَنْتِيَّةٌ بِالقِطْعَةِ العَسْكَرِيَّةِ
∘ How to pronounce concrete in English?
The word concrete is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦
2) concrete-adj
∘ concrete meaning in Arabic & English
made of concrete
البَاطُوْنِيُّ: أَيِ المَصْنُوْعُ مِنَ الإِسْمَنْتِ أو الخَرَسَانَةِ
∘ Examples of concrete in Arabic and English
Concrete walls surrounds the military compound
تُحِيْطُ أَسْوَارٌ بَاطُوْنِيَّةٌ بِالقِطْعَةِ العَسْكَرِيَّةِ
A concrete building
بِنَاءٌ بَاطُوْنِيٌّ
∘ How to pronounce concrete in English?
The word concrete is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦
3) concrete-noun
∘ concrete meaning in Arabic & English
Concrete is a substance used for building which is made by mixing together cement, sand, small stones, and water.
الخَرَسَانَةُ: هِيَ مَادَّةٌ تُسْتَخْدَمُ فِيْ البِنَاءِ, تَتَشَكَّلُ مِنْ خَلْطِ الإِسْمَنْتِ وَالرَّمْلِ وَالأَحْجَارِ الصَّغِيْرَةِ وَالمَاءِ.
∘ Examples of concrete in Arabic and English
Use steel instead of concrete
اسْتَخْدِمِ الفُوْلَاذَ بَدَلًا عَنِ الخَرَسَانَةِ
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Reinforced concrete
الخَرَسَانَةُ المُسَلَّحَةُ/ الإْسْمَنْتُ المُسَلَّحُ
∘ How to pronounce concrete in English?
The word concrete is pronounced in English as
∘ concrete meaning in Arabic & English
made of concrete
الخَرَسَانِيُّ: أَيِ المَصْنُوْعُ مِنَ الإِسْمَنْتِ أو الخَرَسَانَةِ
∘ Examples of concrete in Arabic and English
Concrete walls surrounds the military compound
تُحِيْطُ أَسْوَارٌ خَرَسَانِيَّةٌ بِالقِطْعَةِ العَسْكَرِيَّةِ
A concrete building
بِنَاءٌ خَرَسَانِيٌّ
∘ How to pronounce concrete in English?
The word concrete is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦
4) concrete-adj
∘ concrete meaning in Arabic & English
∘ Examples of concrete in Arabic and English
I do not want talks, I want concrete results
لَا أُرِيْدُ كَلَامًا, إِنَّمَا أُرِيْدُ نَتَائِجَ مَحْسُوْسَةً
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More concrete actions are required to change the bad situation in the Peninsula
يَتَطَلَّبُ تَغْيِيْرُ الوَضْعِ السَّيِّءِ فِيْ شِبْهِ الجَزِيْرَةِ مَزِيْدًا مِنَ لإِجْرَاءَاتِ المَحْسُوْسَةَ
∘ How to pronounce concrete in English?
The word concrete is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦
5) concrete-adj
∘ concrete meaning in Arabic & English
definite and specific
المَلْمُوْسُ: أَيِ المُحَدَّدُ وَالوَاضِحُ المَحْسُوْسُ
∘ Examples of concrete in Arabic and English
We need to have a concrete evidence to arrest him
نَحْتَاجُ دَلِيْلًا مَلْمُوْسًا لِنَعْتَقِلْهُ
I do not want talks, I want concrete results
لَا أُرِيْدُ كَلَامًا, إِنَّمَا أُرِيْدُ نَتَائِجَ مَلْمُوْسَةً
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More concrete actions are required to change the bad situation in the Peninsula
يَتَطَلَّبُ تَغْيِيْرُ الوَضْعِ السَّيِّءِ فِيْ شِبْهِ الجَزِيْرَةِ مَزِيْدًا مِنَ لإِجْرَاءَاتِ المَلْمُوْسَةَ
Concrete and abstract terms
المَفَاهِيْمُ المَلْمُوْسَةُ وَالمُجَرَّدَةُ
∘ How to pronounce concrete in English?
The word concrete is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦