عملاق in English

Meaning of عملاق in English is: (giant) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

عملاق بالانجليزي

English for عملاق


1) giant-adj


  ∘ عملاق meaning in English & Arabic

very large; much larger or more important than similar things usually are

كبير جدا؛ أكبر بكثير أو أهم من الأشياء المماثلة عادة

  ∘ Examples of عملاق in English and Arabic

A giant statue stands in the center of the park.

يقف تمثال عملاق وسط الحديقة.

The company is a giant in the car industry.

الشركة عملاقة في صناعة السيارات.

More Examples

They faced a giant challenge.

واجهوا تحديا عملاقا.

This tree is truly a giant among its kind.

هذه الشجرة عملاقة بحق بين نظيراتها.

Her contribution was a giant step forward.

كانت مساهمتها خطوة عملاقة نحو الأمام.

  ∘ How to pronounce عملاق in English?

giant is pronounced in English as

English for عملاق


1) giant-adj


  ∘ عملاق meaning in English & Arabic

very large; much larger or more important than similar things usually are

كبير جدًا؛ أكبر بكثير أو أهم من الأشياء المماثلة عادة

  ∘ Examples of عملاق in English and Arabic

A giant statue stands in the center of the park.

يقف تمثال عملاق وسط الحديقة.

The company is a giant in the car industry.

الشركة عملاقة في صناعة السيارات.

More Examples

They faced a giant challenge.

واجهوا تحدياً عملاقاً.

This tree is truly a giant among its kind.

هذه الشجرة عملاقة بحق بين نظيراتها.

Her contribution was a giant step forward.

كانت مساهمتها خطوة عملاقة نحو الأمام.

  ∘ How to pronounce عملاق in English?

giant is pronounced in English as
