عشرون in English

Meaning of عشرون in English is: (twenty) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

عشرون بالانجليزي

English for عشرون


1) twenty-n


  ∘ عشرون meaning in English & Arabic

The number equivalent to the product of two and ten; one more than nineteen.

الرقم الذي يعادل ناتج ضرب العددين اثنين وعشرة؛ واحد زائد على تسعة عشر.

  ∘ Examples of عشرون in English and Arabic

She bought twenty apples.

اشترت عشرين تفاحة.

The class has twenty students.

لدى الصف عشرون طالبا.

More Examples

He ran twenty miles.

ركض عشرين ميلا.

We celebrated our twentieth anniversary.

احتفلنا بالذكرى العشرين.

They waited for twenty minutes.

انتظروا لمدة عشرين دقيقة.

The book has twenty chapters.

الكتاب له عشرون فصلا.

  ∘ How to pronounce عشرون in English?

twenty is pronounced in English as

English for عشرون


1) twenty-n


  ∘ عِشْرُوْن meaning in English & Arabic

The number equivalent to the product of two and ten; one more than nineteen.

الرقم الذي يعادل ناتج ضرب العددين اثنين وعشرة؛ واحد زائد على تسعة عشر.

  ∘ Examples of عِشْرُوْن in English and Arabic

She bought twenty apples.

اشترت عشرين تفاحة.

The class has twenty students.

لدى الصف عشرون طالبًا.

More Examples

He ran twenty miles.

ركض عشرين ميلًا.

We celebrated our twentieth anniversary.

احتفلنا بالذكرى العشرين.

They waited for twenty minutes.

انتظروا لمدة عشرين دقيقة.

The book has twenty chapters.

الكتاب له عشرون فصلًا.

  ∘ How to pronounce عِشْرُوْن in English?

twenty is pronounced in English as
