ضعف in English

Meaning of ضعف in English is: (twice, vulnerability, weaken) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

ضعف بالانجليزي

English for ضعف


1) twice -adverb


  ∘ ضعف meaning in English & Arabic

Double in quality, quantity, volume, etc

  ∘ Plural of ضعف in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of ضعف in English and Arabic

Turkey's economy grew twice as much as in 2007

نما اقتصاد تركيّا الضّعف عمّا كان عليه في 2007

Syria's area is twice the size of Jordan's

تبلغ مساحة سوريّا ضعف مساحة الأردن

More Examples

Mu income is twice as large as last year

يبلغ دخلي ضعف ما كان عليه في السّنة السّابقة

  ∘ How to pronounce ضعف in English?

twice is pronounced in English as

2) vulnerability-noun


  ∘ ضعف meaning in English & Arabic

[uncountable] ​vulnerability (of somebody/something) (to something) the fact of being weak and easily hurt physically or emotionally

الضّعف هو حالة كونك سهل الأذى قليل المناعة والحصانة ضدّه

  ∘ Examples of ضعف in English and Arabic

Both children and adolescents show symptoms of social vulnerability

تظهر على كلّ من الأطفال والمراهقين أعراض الضّعف الاجتماعيّ

The vulnerability of newborn babies to disease is known

ضعف الأطفال حديثي الولادة أمر معروف

More Examples

Without vulnerability there can be no disaster

لا يمكن أن تحدث كارثة دون ضعف

3) weaken-verb


  ∘ ضعف meaning in English & Arabic

[intransitive] to become less strong or powerful

ضعف أي أصبح أقلّ قوّة أو قدرة أو أهمّيّة

Click to show conjugation of ضعف

  ∘ ضعف past tense conjugation in Arabic

أنا ضعفت - نحن ضعفنا
أنت ضعفت - أنت ضعفت
أنتما ضعفتما
أنتم ضعفتم - أنتنّ ضعفتنّ
هو ضعف - هي ضعفت
هما (مذكّر) ضعفا - هما (مؤنّث) ضعفتا
هم ضعفوا - هنّ ضعفن

  ∘ ضعف present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

أنا أضعف - نحن نضعف
أنت تضعف - أنت تضعفين
أنتما تضعفان
أنتم تضعفون - أنتنّ تضعفن
هو يضعف - هي تضعف
هما (مذكّر) يضعفان - هما (مؤنّث) تضعفان
هم يضعفون - هنّ يضعفن

  ∘ ضعف imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أنت اضعف - أنت اضعفي
أنتما اضعفا
أنتم اضعفوا - أنتنّ اضعفن

  ∘ Examples of ضعف in English and Arabic

You muscles will weaken if you don't play sport

سوف تضعف عضلاتك إن لم تمارس الرياضة

the power of the state weakened because of the economic sanctions

ضعفت قوة الدولة بسبب العقوبات الاقتصادية

More Examples

The iron had weakened because of the many impurities

ضعف الحديد لكثرة الشوائب



  ∘ ضعف meaning in English & Arabic

[transitive] to become less physically strong

ضعف أي أصبح أقلّ قوّة جسديّا

  ∘ Examples of ضعف in English and Arabic

The building had weakened after earthquake

ضعف البناء بعد الزلزال

Watching television for long hours weakens the vision

مشاهدة التلفاز لساعات طويلة يضعف الرؤية

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  ∘ ضعف meaning in English & Arabic

[intransitive, transitive] to become or make somebody become less determined or certain about something

ضعفت همّة شخص ونحو ذلك أي صارت همّته أقلّ قوّة أو صار أقلّ عزيمة وتصميما

  ∘ Examples of ضعف in English and Arabic

The army weakened after the injury

ضعف الجيش بعد الإصابة

His intention to leave might weakens due to his illness

قد تضعف نيّته على الرحيل بسبب مرضه



  ∘ ضعف meaning in English & Arabic

[intransitive] (of a country's currency or economy) to become less strong

ضعف اقتصاد بلد ما أي صار أقلّ قوّة أو استقرارا

  ∘ Examples of ضعف in English and Arabic

The economy weakened because of the resource theft

ضعف الاقتصاد بسبب سرقة الموارد

The country economy always weakens during the wars

يضعف اقتصاد البلد دائما خلال الحروب



  ∘ ضعف meaning in English & Arabic

[intransitive] (of a natural force) to become less strong

ضعفت الرّياح أو الأمطار أي هدأت وصارت أقلّ شدّة

  ∘ Examples of ضعف in English and Arabic

The winds weaken in the summer

تضعف الرّياح في فصل الصّيف

The storm in the city had weakened

ضعفت العاصفة في المدينة

4) weakness-noun


  ∘ ضعف meaning in English & Arabic

lack of physical strength

نقص في القوة الجسدية

  ∘ Examples of ضعف in English and Arabic

His weakness became apparent after the illness.

أصبح ضعفه واضحا بعد المرض.

She spoke about her weaknesses during the interview.

تحدثت عن ضعفها خلال المقابلة.

More Examples

Weakness in his legs prevented him from standing.

منعه ضعف ساقيه من الوقوف.

Overcoming weakness requires determination.

يتطلب التغلب على الضعف تصميما.

Muscle weakness can be a symptom of many diseases.

يمكن أن يكون ضعف العضلات عرضا للعديد من الأمراض.

Their weaknesses were exploited by their opponent.

استغل خصمهم ضعفهم.

  ∘ How to pronounce ضعف in English?

weakness is pronounced in English as

English for ضعف


1) twice -adverb


  ∘ ضِعْف meaning in English & Arabic

Double in quality, quantity, volume, etc

  ∘ Plural of ضِعْف in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of ضِعْف in English and Arabic

Turkey's economy grew twice as much as in 2007

نَمَا اقْتِصَادُ تُرْكِيَّا الضِّعْفَ عَمَّا كَانَ عَلَيْهِ فِيْ 2007

Syria's area is twice the size of Jordan's

تَبْلُغُ مَسَاحَةُ سُوْرِيَّا ضِعْفَ مَسَاحَةِ الأُرْدُنِ

More Examples

Mu income is twice as large as last year

يبَلْغُ ُدَخْلِيَ ضِعْفَ مَا كَانَ عَلَيْهِ فِيْ السَّنَةِ السَّابِقَةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce ضِعْف in English?

twice is pronounced in English as

2) vulnerability-noun


  ∘ ضَعْف meaning in English & Arabic

[uncountable] ​vulnerability (of somebody/something) (to something) the fact of being weak and easily hurt physically or emotionally

الضَّعْفُ هُوَ حَالَةُ كَوْنِكَ سَهْلَ الأَذَىْ قَلِيْلَ المَنَاعَةِ وَالحَصَانَةِ ضِدَّهُ

  ∘ Examples of ضَعْف in English and Arabic

Both children and adolescents show symptoms of social vulnerability

تَظهِرُ عَلَى كُلٍّ مِنْ اَلْأَطْفَالِ وَالْمُرَاهِقِينَ أَعْرَاضَ اَلضَّعْفِ اَلِاجْتِمَاعِيِّ

The vulnerability of newborn babies to disease is known

ضَعْفُ اَلْأَطْفَالِ حَدِيثِي اَلْوِلَادَةِ أَمْرٌ مَعْرُوفٌ

More Examples

Without vulnerability there can be no disaster

لا يمكن أن تحدث كارثة دون ضعف

3) weaken-verb


  ∘ ضَعُفَ meaning in English & Arabic

[intransitive] to become less strong or powerful

ضَعُفَ أَيْ أَصْبَحَ أَقَلَّ قُوَّةً أَوْ قُدْرَةً أَوْ أَهَمِّيَّةً

Click to show conjugation of ضَعُفَ

  ∘ ضَعُفَ past tense conjugation in Arabic

أًنَا ضَعُفْتُ - نَحْنُ ضَعُفْنَا
أَنْتَ ضَعُفْتَ - أَنْتِ ضَعُفْتِ
أَنْتُمَا ضَعُفْتُمَا
أَنْتُمْ ضَعُفْتُمْ - أَنْتُنَّ ضَعُفْتُنَّ
هُوَ ضَعُفَ - هِيَ ضَعُفَتْ
هُمَا (مُذَكَّر) ضَعُفَا - هُمَا (مُؤَنَّث) ضَعُفَتَا
هُمْ ضَعُفُوا - هُنَّ ضَعُفْنَ

  ∘ ضَعُفَ present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

أًنَا أضْعُفُ - نَحْنُ نضْعُفُ
أَنْتَ تضْعُفُ - أَنْتِ تضْعُفِينَ
أَنْتُمَا تضْعُفَانِ
أَنْتُمْ تضْعُفُونَ - أَنْتُنَّ تضْعُفْنَ
هُوَ يضْعُفُ - هِيَ تضْعُفُ
هُمَا (مُذَكَّر) يضْعُفَانِ - هُمَا (مُؤَنَّث) تضْعُفَانِ
هُمْ يضْعُفُونَ - هُنَّ يضْعُفْنَ

  ∘ ضَعُفَ imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أَنْتَ اضْعُفْ - أَنْتِ اضْعُفي
أَنْتُمَا اضْعُفا
أَنْتُمْ اضْعُفوا - أَنْتُنَّ اضْعُفنَ

  ∘ Examples of ضَعُفَ in English and Arabic

You muscles will weaken if you don't play sport

سوف تضعف عضلاتك إن لم تمارس الرياضة

the power of the state weakened because of the economic sanctions

ضعفت قوة الدولة بسبب العقوبات الاقتصادية

More Examples

The iron had weakened because of the many impurities

ضعف الحديد لكثرة الشوائب



  ∘ ضَعُفَ meaning in English & Arabic

[transitive] to become less physically strong

ضَعُفَ أَيْ أَصْبَحَ أَقَلَّ قُوَّةً جَسَدِيًّا

  ∘ Examples of ضَعُفَ in English and Arabic

The building had weakened after earthquake

ضعف البناء بعد الزلزال

Watching television for long hours weakens the vision

مشاهدة التلفاز لساعات طويلة يضعف الرؤية

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  ∘ ضَعُفَ meaning in English & Arabic

[intransitive, transitive] to become or make somebody become less determined or certain about something

ضَعُفَتْ هِمَّةَ شَخْصٍ وَنَحْوِ ذَلِكَ أَيْ صَارَتْ هِمَّتَهُ أَقَلَّ قُوَّةً أَوْ صَارَ أَقَلَّ عَزِيْمَةً وَتَصْمِيْمًا

  ∘ Examples of ضَعُفَ in English and Arabic

The army weakened after the injury

ضعف الجيش بعد الإصابة

His intention to leave might weakens due to his illness

قد تضعف نيّته على الرحيل بسبب مرضه



  ∘ ضَعُفَ meaning in English & Arabic

[intransitive] (of a country's currency or economy) to become less strong

ضَعُفَ اقْتِصَادُ بَلَدٍ مَا أَيْ صَارَ أَقَلَّ قُوَّةً أَوِ اسْتِقْرَارًا

  ∘ Examples of ضَعُفَ in English and Arabic

The economy weakened because of the resource theft

ضعف الاقتصاد بسبب سرقة الموارد

The country economy always weakens during the wars

يضعف اقتصاد البلد دائمًا خلال الحروب



  ∘ ضَعُفَ meaning in English & Arabic

[intransitive] (of a natural force) to become less strong

ضَعُفَتِ الرِّيَاحُ أَوِ الأَمْطَارُ أَيْ هَدَأَتْ وَصَارَتْ أَقَلَّ شِدَّةً

  ∘ Examples of ضَعُفَ in English and Arabic

The winds weaken in the summer

تَضْعَفُ اَلرِّيَاحُ فِي فَصْلِ اَلصَّيْفِ

The storm in the city had weakened

ضَعُفَتْ اَلْعَاصِفَةُ فِي اَلْمَدِينَةِ

4) weakness-noun


  ∘ ضعف meaning in English & Arabic

lack of physical strength

نقص في القوة الجسدية

  ∘ Examples of ضعف in English and Arabic

His weakness became apparent after the illness.

أصبح ضعفه واضحًا بعد المرض.

She spoke about her weaknesses during the interview.

تحدثت عن ضعفها خلال المقابلة.

More Examples

Weakness in his legs prevented him from standing.

منعه ضعف ساقيه من الوقوف.

Overcoming weakness requires determination.

يتطلب التغلب على الضعف تصميمًا.

Muscle weakness can be a symptom of many diseases.

يمكن أن يكون ضعف العضلات عَرَضًا للعديد من الأمراض.

Their weaknesses were exploited by their opponent.

استغل خصمهم ضعفهم.

  ∘ How to pronounce ضعف in English?

weakness is pronounced in English as
