شاهد in English

Meaning of شاهد in English is: (testimony, view, watch) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

شاهد بالانجليزي

English for شاهد


1) testimony-noun


  ∘ شاهد meaning in English & Arabic

[uncountable, singular] testimony (to something) (formal) a thing that shows that something else exists or is true

الشّاهد هو شيء أو أمر يثبت حقيقة معيّنة بجلاء ووضوح

  ∘ Examples of شاهد in English and Arabic

Budget surplus is a testimony of the success of our economic reforms

فائض الميزانيّة شاهد على نجاح إصلاحاتنا الاقتصاديّة

The decrease of imports bears testimony to the success of our local industry

انخفاض الواردات شاهد على نجاح صناعتنا المحلية

More Examples

My portfolio is a testimony of my expertise in this territory

ملفّ أعمالي السّابقة شاهد على خبرتي في هذا الميدان

  ∘ How to pronounce شاهد in English?

testimony is pronounced in English as

2) view-verb


  ∘ شاهد meaning in English & Arabic

to look at something, especially because it is beautiful

  ∘ Examples of شاهد in English and Arabic

I went to Malaysia to view the Twins towers

ذهبت إلى ماليزيا لكي أشاهد البرجين التّوأمين

  ∘ How to pronounce شاهد in English?

view is pronounced in English as



  ∘ شاهد meaning in English & Arabic

to visit a house, etc. with an intention of buying or renting it

  ∘ Examples of شاهد in English and Arabic

You can view the house, but by a previous appointment

يمكنك مشاهدة المنزل ولكن بموعد مسبق

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  ∘ شاهد meaning in English & Arabic

to watch a television programme, film, etc.

  ∘ Examples of شاهد in English and Arabic

I viewed the film before premiering

شاهدت الفلم قبل عرضه

3) watch-verb


  ∘ شاهد meaning in English & Arabic

to look at somebody/something for a time, paying attention to what happens

النظر إلى شخص/شيء لفترة من الوقت، مع إيلاء الاهتمام لما يحدث

  ∘ Examples of شاهد in English and Arabic

He watches television every evening.

يشاهد التلفاز كل مساء.

She watched the children play in the garden.

شاهدت الأطفال يلعبون في الحديقة.

More Examples

I watched carefully how the mechanic fixed the car.

شاهدت بعناية كيف أصلح الميكانيكي السيارة.

They watched the sunset together.

شاهدوا غروب الشمس معا.

He was watching the news when I entered.

كان يشاهد الأخبار عندما دخلت.

People like to watch movies on weekends.

يحب الناس أن يشاهدوا الأفلام في عطلات نهاية الأسبوع.

  ∘ How to pronounce شاهد in English?

watch is pronounced in English as

4) witness-noun


  ∘ شاهد meaning in English & Arabic

a person who sees something happen and is able to describe it to other people

شخص يرى شيئا يحدث ويستطيع وصفه للآخرين

  ∘ Examples of شاهد in English and Arabic

He was a witness to the robbery.

كان شاهدا على السرقة.

She provided a witness statement to the police.

قدمت شهادة شاهد للشرطة.

More Examples

The witnesses were asked to describe what they saw.

طلب من الشهود وصف ما رأوه.

The judge called the next witness to the stand.

دعا القاضي الشاهد التالي إلى المنصة.

There were several witnesses to the accident.

كان هناك عدة شهود على الحادث.

The witness provided crucial evidence in the trial.

قدم الشاهد أدلة حاسمة في المحاكمة.

  ∘ How to pronounce شاهد in English?

witness is pronounced in English as

English for شاهد


1) testimony-noun


  ∘ شَاهِد meaning in English & Arabic

[uncountable, singular] testimony (to something) (formal) a thing that shows that something else exists or is true

الشَّاهِدُ هُوَ شَيْءٌ أَوْ أَمْرٌ يُثْبِتُ حَقِيْقَةً مُعَيَّنَةً بِجَلَاءٍ وَوُضُوْحٍ

  ∘ Examples of شَاهِد in English and Arabic

Budget surplus is a testimony of the success of our economic reforms

فَائِضُ المِيْزَانِيَّةِ شَاهِدٌ عَلَىْ نَجَاحِ إِصْلَاحَاتِنَا الِاقْتِصَادِيَّةِ

The decrease of imports bears testimony to the success of our local industry

انْخِفَاضُ الوَارِدَاتِ شَاهِدٌ عَلَىْ نَجَاحِ صِنَاعَتِنَا المحلية

More Examples

My portfolio is a testimony of my expertise in this territory

مَلَفُّ أَعْمَالِيْ السَّابِقَةِ شَاهِدٌ عَلَىْ خِبْرَتِيْ فِيْ هَذَا المَيْدَانِ

  ∘ How to pronounce شَاهِد in English?

testimony is pronounced in English as

2) view-verb


  ∘ ِشَاهَدَ meaning in English & Arabic

to look at something, especially because it is beautiful

  ∘ Examples of ِشَاهَدَ in English and Arabic

I went to Malaysia to view the Twins towers

ذَهَبْتُ إِلَىْ مَالِيْزِيَا لِكَيْ أُشَاهِدَ البُرْجَيْنِ التَّوْأَمَيْنِ

  ∘ How to pronounce ِشَاهَدَ in English?

view is pronounced in English as



  ∘ ِشَاهَدَ meaning in English & Arabic

to visit a house, etc. with an intention of buying or renting it

  ∘ Examples of ِشَاهَدَ in English and Arabic

You can view the house, but by a previous appointment

يُمْكِنُكَ مُشَاهَدَةُ المَنْزِلِ وَلَكِنْ بِمَوْعِدٍ مُسْبَقٍ

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  ∘ ِشَاهَدَ meaning in English & Arabic

to watch a television programme, film, etc.

  ∘ Examples of ِشَاهَدَ in English and Arabic

I viewed the film before premiering

شَاهَدْتُ الفِلْمَ قَبْلَ عَرْضِهِ

3) watch-verb


  ∘ شاهد meaning in English & Arabic

to look at somebody/something for a time, paying attention to what happens

النظر إلى شخص/شيء لفترة من الوقت، مع إيلاء الاهتمام لما يحدث

  ∘ Examples of شاهد in English and Arabic

He watches television every evening.

يشاهد التلفاز كل مساء.

She watched the children play in the garden.

شاهدت الأطفال يلعبون في الحديقة.

More Examples

I watched carefully how the mechanic fixed the car.

شاهدت بعناية كيف أصلح الميكانيكي السيارة.

They watched the sunset together.

شاهدوا غروب الشمس معًا.

He was watching the news when I entered.

كان يشاهد الأخبار عندما دخلت.

People like to watch movies on weekends.

يحب الناس أن يشاهدوا الأفلام في عطلات نهاية الأسبوع.

  ∘ How to pronounce شاهد in English?

watch is pronounced in English as

4) witness-noun


  ∘ شَاهِد meaning in English & Arabic

a person who sees something happen and is able to describe it to other people

شخص يرى شيئًا يحدث ويستطيع وصفه للآخرين

  ∘ Examples of شَاهِد in English and Arabic

He was a witness to the robbery.

كان شاهدًا على السرقة.

She provided a witness statement to the police.

قدمت شهادة شاهد للشرطة.

More Examples

The witnesses were asked to describe what they saw.

طُُلب من الشهود وصف ما رأوه.

The judge called the next witness to the stand.

دعا القاضي الشاهد التالي إلى المنصة.

There were several witnesses to the accident.

كان هناك عدة شهود على الحادث.

The witness provided crucial evidence in the trial.

قدم الشاهد أدلة حاسمة في المحاكمة.

  ∘ How to pronounce شَاهِد in English?

witness is pronounced in English as
