سروال in English

Meaning of سروال in English is: (pants) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

سروال بالانجليزي

English for سروال


1) pants-n


  ∘ سروال meaning in English & Arabic

underpants or knickers

ملابس داخلية أو لباس نسائي داخلي

  ∘ Examples of سروال in English and Arabic

She bought a new pair of pants.

اشترت زوجا جديدا من السراويل.

He needs to change his pants.

يحتاج إلى تغيير سرواله.

More Examples

The store sells different colors of pants.

يبيع المتجر ألوانا مختلفة من السراويل.

His pants are too tight.

سرواله ضيق جدا.

They are looking for cotton pants.

يبحثون عن سراويل قطنية.

Children pants are on the second floor.

سراويل الأطفال في الطابق الثاني.

  ∘ How to pronounce سروال in English?

pants is pronounced in English as

English for سروال


1) pants-n


  ∘ سروال meaning in English & Arabic

underpants or knickers

ملابس داخلية أو لباس نسائي داخلي

  ∘ Examples of سروال in English and Arabic

She bought a new pair of pants.

اشترت زوجًا جديدًا من السراويل.

He needs to change his pants.

يحتاج إلى تغيير سرواله.

More Examples

The store sells different colors of pants.

يبيع المتجر ألوانًا مختلفة من السراويل.

His pants are too tight.

سرواله ضيق جدًا.

They are looking for cotton pants.

يبحثون عن سراويل قطنية.

Children pants are on the second floor.

سراويل الأطفال في الطابق الثاني.

  ∘ How to pronounce سروال in English?

pants is pronounced in English as
