دليل in English

Meaning of دليل in English is: (demonstration, directory, documentation) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

دليل بالانجليزي

English for دليل


1) demonstration-noun


  ∘ دليل meaning in English & Arabic

[countable, uncountable] an act of giving proof or evidence for something

دليل أي بيّنة وحجّة وبرهان

  ∘ Plural of دليل in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of دليل in English and Arabic

This is a demonstration of how communism worsened the living standards

هذا دليل كيف أدّت الشّيوعيّة إلى تدهور مستويات المعيشة

They provided a clear demonstration of the connection between illiteracy and poverty

قدّما دليلا واضحا عن الارتباط بين الأمّيّة والفقر

  ∘ How to pronounce دليل in English?

demonstration is pronounced in English as

2) directory-noun


  ∘ دليل meaning in English & Arabic

a book or list of names, facts etc, usually arranged in alphabetical order

الدّليل هو كتاب يدلّ أو يوجّه القارئ إلى معلومات خاصّة بموضوع محدّد

  ∘ Plural of دليل in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of دليل in English and Arabic

You can find the company's number in the telephone directory

يمكنك إيجاد رقم الشّركة في دليل الهاتف

I did not find the corporation's name in the trade directory

لم أجد اسم الشّركة في الدّليل التّجاريّ

More Examples

A directory of restaurants an hotels

دليل المطاعم والفنادق

3) documentation -noun


  ∘ دليل meaning in English & Arabic

written instructions for using a product, especially a computer program or equipment

الدّليل هو مجموعة مكتوبة من التّعليمات لاستخدام أداة أو جهاز محدّد

  ∘ Plural of دليل in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of دليل in English and Arabic

The mixer is supported with user documentation

الخلّاط مزوّد بدليل استخدام

The technical documentation is missing

الدّليل الفنّيّ غير موجود

4) guideline -noun


  ∘ دليل meaning in English & Arabic

[countable] something that can be used to help you make a decision or form an opinion

الدّليل هو شيء يساعدك في اتّخاذ قرار معيّن أو تكوين رأي محدّد

  ∘ Examples of دليل in English and Arabic

Use the figures and statistics as a guideline only

استخدم الأرقام والإحصائيّات كدليل فقط

She disregarded the guidelines and thus made a mistake.

لقد تجاهلت الدّليل ولذلك فقد أخطأت

More Examples

The article provides guidelines on how to start a business as an entrepreneur

تقدّم المقالة دليلا حول كيفيّة بدء عمل كرائد أعمال

5) indication -noun

دليل -اسم

  ∘ دليل meaning in English & Arabic

[countable, uncountable] a remark or sign that shows that something is happening or what somebody is thinking or feeling

الدّليل هو مؤشّر أو علامة يدلّ على شيء محدّد

  ∘ Plural of دليل in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of دليل in English and Arabic

All indications are that there will be an imminent attack on the rebels

كلّ الدّلائل تشير إلى هجوم وشيك على المتمرّدين

There is no indication of his accomplice

لا يوجد دليل على تورّطه

More Examples

All indications are that he will lose the election

جميع الدّلائل تشير إلى أنّه سيخسر الانتخابات

There is no indication of recovering

لا يوجد أيّ دليل على التّعافي

  ∘ How to pronounce دليل in English?

indication is pronounced in English as

6) clue-noun


  ∘ دليل meaning in English & Arabic

an object, a piece of evidence or some information that helps the police solve a crime

شيء أو معلومة تساعد الشرطة في حل جريمة

  ∘ Examples of دليل in English and Arabic

The detectives found a clue at the crime scene.

وجد المحققون دليلا في مسرح الجريمة.

The witness provided a vital clue to the investigation.

.قدم الشاهد دليلا حيويا للتحقيق

More Examples

They are searching for clues to identify the thief.

يبحثون عن دلائل لتحديد هوية اللص.

Without clues, the case remains unsolved.

بدون دلائل، تظل القضية دون حل.

7) evidence-n


  ∘ دليل meaning in English & Arabic

the facts, signs or objects that make you believe that something is true

الحقائق، العلامات أو الأشياء التي تجعلك تؤمن بأن شيئا ما صحيح

  ∘ Examples of دليل in English and Arabic

She presented evidence to support her claim.

قدمت دليلا لدعم ادعائها.

The police found evidence at the crime scene.

وجدت الشرطة دليلا في مسرح الجريمة.

More Examples

There is no evidence to prove his guilt.

لا يوجد دليل لإثبات ذنبه.

The evidence was inconclusive.

كان الدليل غير حاسم.

Scientists are gathering evidence on climate change.

يجمع العلماء أدلة عن تغير المناخ.

The court examined the evidence carefully.

فحصت المحكمة الأدلة بعناية.

  ∘ How to pronounce دليل in English?

evidence is pronounced in English as

8) proof-noun


  ∘ دليل meaning in English & Arabic

information, documents, etc. that show that something is true

معلومات، وثائق، إلخ تظهر أن شيئا ما صحيح

  ∘ Examples of دليل in English and Arabic

They found proof of water on Mars.

وجدوا دليلا على وجود ماء على المريخ.

She provided proof that she had purchased the item.

قدمت دليلا على أنها اشترت المنتج.

More Examples

The scientist needed more proof for his theory.

احتاج العالم مزيدا من الدلائل لنظريته.

There’s no proof that ghosts exist.

لا يوجد دليل على وجود الأشباح.

DNA is a conclusive proof of lineage.

الحمض النووي دليل قاطع على لنسب.

  ∘ How to pronounce دليل in English?

proof is pronounced in English as

9) Evidence-noun


  ∘ دليل meaning in English & Arabic

Something such as an object, a fact or a situation that shows, explains or supports what you say

شيء مثل الكائن، الحقيقة أو الموقف الذي يظهر، يوضح أو يدعم ما تقوله

  ∘ Examples of دليل in English and Arabic

The evidence was crucial for the trial.

كان الدليل حاسما للمحاكمة.

She presented evidence to support her argument.

قدمت دليلا لدعم حجتها.

More Examples

Scientists are gathering evidence on climate change.

يجمع العلماء أدلة حول تغيّر المناخ.

There is no evidence to prove his involvement.

لا يوجد دليل يثبت تورطه.

He destroyed all the evidences to avoid detection.

اتلف جميع الأدلة لتجنب الكشف عنه.

The artifacts are evidences of the ancient civilization.

الآثار أدلة على الحضارة القديمة.

  ∘ How to pronounce دليل in English?

Evidence is pronounced in English as

English for دليل


1) demonstration-noun


  ∘ دَلِيْل meaning in English & Arabic

[countable, uncountable] an act of giving proof or evidence for something

دَلِيْلٌ أَيْ بَيِّنَةٌ وَحُجَّةٌ وَبُرْهَانٌ

  ∘ Plural of دَلِيْل in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of دَلِيْل in English and Arabic

This is a demonstration of how communism worsened the living standards

هَذَا دَلِيْلٌ كَيْفَ أَدَّتِ الشُّيُوْعِيَّةُ إِلَىْ تَدَهْوُرِ مُسْتَوَيَاتِ المَعِيْشَةِ

They provided a clear demonstration of the connection between illiteracy and poverty

قَدَّمَا دَلِيْلًا وَاضِحًا عَنِ الِارْتِبَاطِ بَيْنَ الأُمِّيَّةِ وَالفَقْرِ

  ∘ How to pronounce دَلِيْل in English?

demonstration is pronounced in English as

2) directory-noun


  ∘ دَلِيْل meaning in English & Arabic

a book or list of names, facts etc, usually arranged in alphabetical order

الدَّلِيْلُ هُوَ كِتَابٌ يَدُلُّ أَوْ يُوَجِّهُ القَارِئَ إِلَىْ مَعْلُوْمَاتٍ خَاصَّةٍ بِمَوْضُوْعٍ مُحَدَّدٍ

  ∘ Plural of دَلِيْل in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of دَلِيْل in English and Arabic

You can find the company's number in the telephone directory

يُمْكِنُكَ إِيْجَادُ رَقَمَ الشَّرِكَةِ فِيْ دَلِيْلِ الهَاتِفِ

I did not find the corporation's name in the trade directory

لَمْ أَجِدْ اِسْمَ الشَّرِكَةِ فِيْ الدَّلِيْلِ التِّجَارِيِّ

More Examples

A directory of restaurants an hotels

دَلِيْلُ المَطَاعِمِ وَالفَنَادِقِ

3) documentation -noun


  ∘ دَلِيْل meaning in English & Arabic

written instructions for using a product, especially a computer program or equipment

الدَّلِيْلُ هُوَ مَجْمُوْعَةٌ مَكْتُوْبَةٌ مِنَ التَّعْلِيْمَاتِ لِاسْتِخْدَامِ أَدَاةٍ أَوْ جِهَازٍ مُحَدَّدٍ

  ∘ Plural of دَلِيْل in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of دَلِيْل in English and Arabic

The mixer is supported with user documentation

الخَلَّاطُ مُزَوَّدٌ بِدَلِيْلِ اسْتِخْدَامٍ

The technical documentation is missing

الدَّلِيْلُ الفَنِّيُّ غَيْرُ مَوْجُوْدٍ

4) guideline -noun


  ∘ دَلِيْل meaning in English & Arabic

[countable] something that can be used to help you make a decision or form an opinion

الدَّلِيْلُ هُوَ شَيْءٌ يُسَاعِدُكَ فِيْ اتِّخَاذِ قَرَارٍ مُعَيَّنٍ أَوْ تَكْوِيْنِ رَأْيٍ مُحَدَّدٍ

  ∘ Examples of دَلِيْل in English and Arabic

Use the figures and statistics as a guideline only

اسْتَخْدِمِ الأَرْقَامَ وَالإِحْصَائِيَّاتِ كَدَلِيْلٍ فَقَطَ

She disregarded the guidelines and thus made a mistake.

لَقَدْ تَجَاهَلَتِ الدَّلِيْلَ وَلِذَلِكَ فَقَد ْأَخْطَأَتْ

More Examples

The article provides guidelines on how to start a business as an entrepreneur

تُقَدِّمُ المَقَالَةُ دَلِيْلًا حَوْلَ كَيْفِيَّةِ بَدْءِ عَمَلٍ كَرَائِدِ أَعْمَالٍ

5) indication -noun

دَلِيْل -اسم

  ∘ دَلِيْل meaning in English & Arabic

[countable, uncountable] a remark or sign that shows that something is happening or what somebody is thinking or feeling

الدَّلِيْلُ هُوَ مُؤَشِّرٌ أَوْ عَلَامَةٌ يَدُلُّ عَلَىْ شَيْءٍ مُحَدَّدٍ

  ∘ Plural of دَلِيْل in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of دَلِيْل in English and Arabic

All indications are that there will be an imminent attack on the rebels

كُلُّ الدَّلَائِلِ تُشِيْرُ إِلَىْ هُجُوْمٍ وَشِيْكٍ عَلَىْ المُتَمَرِّدِيْنَ

There is no indication of his accomplice

لَا يُوْجَدُ دَلِيْلٌ عَلَىْ تَوَرُّطِهِ

More Examples

All indications are that he will lose the election

جَمِيْعُ الدَّلَائِلِ تُشِيْرُ إِلَىْ أَنَّهُ سَيَخْسَرُ الِانْتِخَابَاتِ

There is no indication of recovering

لَا يُوْجَدُ أَيُّ دَلِيْلٍ عَلَىْ التَّعَافِيْ

  ∘ How to pronounce دَلِيْل in English?

indication is pronounced in English as

6) clue-noun


  ∘ دليل meaning in English & Arabic

an object, a piece of evidence or some information that helps the police solve a crime

شيء أو معلومة تساعد الشرطة في حل جريمة

  ∘ Examples of دليل in English and Arabic

The detectives found a clue at the crime scene.

وجد المحققون دليلاً في مسرح الجريمة.

The witness provided a vital clue to the investigation.

.قدم الشاهد دليلاً حيويًا للتحقيق

More Examples

They are searching for clues to identify the thief.

يبحثون عن دلائل لتحديد هوية اللص.

Without clues, the case remains unsolved.

بدون دلائل، تظل القضية دون حل.

7) evidence-n


  ∘ دليل meaning in English & Arabic

the facts, signs or objects that make you believe that something is true

الحقائق، العلامات أو الأشياء التي تجعلك تؤمن بأن شيئًا ما صحيح

  ∘ Examples of دليل in English and Arabic

She presented evidence to support her claim.

قدمت دليلاً لدعم ادعائها.

The police found evidence at the crime scene.

وجدت الشرطة دليلاً في مسرح الجريمة.

More Examples

There is no evidence to prove his guilt.

لا يوجد دليل لإثبات ذنبه.

The evidence was inconclusive.

كان الدليل غير حاسم.

Scientists are gathering evidence on climate change.

يجمع العلماء أدلة عن تغير المناخ.

The court examined the evidence carefully.

فحصت المحكمة الأدلة بعناية.

  ∘ How to pronounce دليل in English?

evidence is pronounced in English as

8) proof-noun


  ∘ دليل meaning in English & Arabic

information, documents, etc. that show that something is true

معلومات، وثائق، إلخ تُظهر أن شيئًا ما صحيح

  ∘ Examples of دليل in English and Arabic

They found proof of water on Mars.

وجدوا دليلًا على وجود ماء على المريخ.

She provided proof that she had purchased the item.

قدمت دليلًا على أنها اشترت المنتج.

More Examples

The scientist needed more proof for his theory.

احتاج العالم مزيداً من الدلائل لنظريته.

There’s no proof that ghosts exist.

لا يوجد دليل على وجود الأشباح.

DNA is a conclusive proof of lineage.

الحمض النووي دليل قاطع على لنسب.

  ∘ How to pronounce دليل in English?

proof is pronounced in English as

9) Evidence-noun


  ∘ دليل meaning in English & Arabic

Something such as an object, a fact or a situation that shows, explains or supports what you say

شيء مثل الكائن، الحقيقة أو الموقف الذي يظهر، يوضح أو يدعم ما تقوله

  ∘ Examples of دليل in English and Arabic

The evidence was crucial for the trial.

كان الدليل حاسمًا للمحاكمة.

She presented evidence to support her argument.

قدمت دليلاً لدعم حجتها.

More Examples

Scientists are gathering evidence on climate change.

يجمع العلماء أدلة حول تغيّر المناخ.

There is no evidence to prove his involvement.

لا يوجد دليل يثبت تورطه.

He destroyed all the evidences to avoid detection.

اتلف جميع الأدلة لتجنب الكشف عنه.

The artifacts are evidences of the ancient civilization.

الآثار أدلة على الحضارة القديمة.

  ∘ How to pronounce دليل in English?

Evidence is pronounced in English as
