خطبة in English

Meaning of خطبة in English is: (engagement) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

خطبة بالانجليزي

English for خطبة


1) engagement-noun


  ∘ خطبة meaning in English & Arabic

[countable] an agreement to marry somebody; the period during which two people are engaged

الخطبة هي فترة تسبق الزّواج يقضيها الخطيبان للتّعرّف على طباع بعضهما وتنتهي بالزّواج أو عدمه

  ∘ Plural of خطبة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of خطبة in English and Arabic

He broke off his engagement last week

فسخ خطبته الأسبوع الماضي

Have you been invited to the engagement party ?

هل دعيتما إلى حفلة الخطبة

More Examples

Their long engagement lasted

استمرّت خطبتهما الطّويلة أربعة سنوات

They announced their engagement at Facebook

لقد أعلنا خطبتهما على الفيسبوك

The prince's engagement to Asamaa was announced in international papers

أعلن عن خطبة الأمير إلى أسماء في الصحف العالميّة

  ∘ How to pronounce خطبة in English?

engagement is pronounced in English as

English for خطبة


1) engagement-noun


  ∘ خِطْبَة meaning in English & Arabic

[countable] an agreement to marry somebody; the period during which two people are engaged

الخِطْبَةُ هِيَ فَتْرَةٌ تَسْبِقُ الزَّوَاجَ يَقْضِيْهَا الخَطِيْبَانِ لِلتَّعَرُّفِ عَلَىْ طِبَاعِ بَعْضِهِمَا وَتَنْتَهِيْ بِالزَّوَاجِ أَوْ عَدَمِهِ

  ∘ Plural of خِطْبَة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of خِطْبَة in English and Arabic

He broke off his engagement last week

فَسَخَ خِطْبَتَهُ الأُسْبُوْعَ المَاضِيَ

Have you been invited to the engagement party ?

هَلْ دُعِيْتُمَا إِلَىْ حَفْلَةِ الخِطْبَةِ

More Examples

Their long engagement lasted

اسْتَمَرَّتْ خِطْبَتُهُمَا الطَّوِيْلَةُ أَرْبَعَةَ سَنَوَاتٍ

They announced their engagement at Facebook

لَقَدْ أَعْلَنَا خِطْبَتَهُمَا عَلَىْ الفِيْسْبُوْكَ

The prince's engagement to Asamaa was announced in international papers

أُعْلِنَ عَنْ خِطْبَةِ الأَمِيْرِ إِلَىْ أَسْمَاءَ فِيْ الصُحُفِ العَالَمِيَّةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce خِطْبَة in English?

engagement is pronounced in English as
