خاتم in English

Meaning of خاتم in English is: (ring, seal) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

خاتم بالانجليزي

English for خاتم


1) ring -noun


  ∘ خاتم meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Plural of خاتم in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of خاتم in English and Arabic

I bought a diamond ring for my wife

اشتريت خاتما ألماسيّا لزوجتي

A silver/ gold ring

خاتم فضّيّ/ ذهبيّ

  ∘ How to pronounce خاتم in English?

ring is pronounced in English as

2) seal -noun


  ∘ خاتم meaning in English & Arabic

[countable] an official design or mark, stamped on a document to show that it is real and carries the authority of a particular person or organization

الخاتم هو علامة رسميّة تختم على وثيقة ونحو ذلك لإثبات أنّها حقيقيّة صادرة عن سلطة أو جهة محدّدة

  ∘ Plural of خاتم in Arabic

خواتم / خواتيم

  ∘ Examples of خاتم in English and Arabic

The letter bore the Sultan's seal

حملت الوثيقة خاتم السّلطان

The document carries a fake seal

على الوثيقة خاتم مزيّف

More Examples

The CEO's seal is missing

خاتم الرّئيس التّنفيذيّ ناقص (= غير موجود)

The doctor stamped the prescription with his seal

ختم الطّبيب الوصفة الطّبّيّة بخاتمه

  ∘ How to pronounce خاتم in English?

seal is pronounced in English as



  ∘ خاتم meaning in English & Arabic

[countable] a piece of wax (= a soft substance produced by bees), soft metal or paper that is placed across the opening of something such as a letter or box and which has to be broken before the letter or box can be opened

الخاتم هو مادّة شمعيّة توضع مكان فتح رسالة أو صندوق ونحو ذلك ولا يمكن فتحها دون كسر أو فضّ الختم

  ∘ Plural of خاتم in Arabic

خواتم / خواتيم

  ∘ Examples of خاتم in English and Arabic

An official letter with a wax seal

رسالة رسميّة مختومة بخاتم شمعيّ

The sultan broke the wax seal and read the letter

فضّ السّلطان الخاتم الشّمعيّ وقرأ الرّسالة

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  ∘ خاتم meaning in English & Arabic

[countable] a piece of metal, a ring, etc. with a design on it, used for stamping a wax or metal seal

الخاتم هو قطعة معدنيّة أو حلقة عليه تصميم محدّد يختم به صاحبه على شمع ونحوه لإغلاق رسالة ونحوها

  ∘ Plural of خاتم in Arabic

خواتم / خواتيم

English for خاتم


1) ring -noun


  ∘ خَاتَم meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Plural of خَاتَم in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of خَاتَم in English and Arabic

I bought a diamond ring for my wife

اشْتَرَيْتُ خَاتَمًا أَلْمَاسِيًّا لِزَوْجَتِيَ

A silver/ gold ring

خَاتَمٌ فِضِّيٌّ/ ذَهَبِيٌّ

  ∘ How to pronounce خَاتَم in English?

ring is pronounced in English as

2) seal -noun


  ∘ خَاتَم meaning in English & Arabic

[countable] an official design or mark, stamped on a document to show that it is real and carries the authority of a particular person or organization

الخَاتَمُ هُوَ عَلَامَةٌ رَسْمِيَّةٌ تُخْتَمُ عَلَىْ وَثِيْقَةٍ وَنَحْوِ ذَلِكَ لِإِثْبَاتِ أَنَّهَا حَقِيْقِيَّةٌ صَادِرَةٌ عَنْ سُلْطَةٍ أَوْ جِهَةٍ مُحَدَّدَةٍ

  ∘ Plural of خَاتَم in Arabic

خَوَاتِم / خَوَاتِيْم

  ∘ Examples of خَاتَم in English and Arabic

The letter bore the Sultan's seal

حَمَلَتِ الوَثِيْقَةُ خَاتَمَ السُّلْطَانِ

The document carries a fake seal

عَلَىْ الوَثِيْقَةِ خَاتَمٌ مُزَيَّفٌ

More Examples

The CEO's seal is missing

خَاتَمُ الرَّئِيْسِ التَّنْفِيْذِيِّ نَاقِصٌ (= غَيْرُ مَوْجُوْدٍ)

The doctor stamped the prescription with his seal

خَتَمَ الطَّبِيْبُ الوَصْفَةَ الطِّبِّيَّةَ بِخَاتَمِهِ

  ∘ How to pronounce خَاتَم in English?

seal is pronounced in English as



  ∘ خَاتَم meaning in English & Arabic

[countable] a piece of wax (= a soft substance produced by bees), soft metal or paper that is placed across the opening of something such as a letter or box and which has to be broken before the letter or box can be opened

الخَاتَمُ هُوَ مَادَّةٌ شَمْعِيَّةٌ تُوْضَعُ مَكَانَ فَتْحِ رِسَالَةٍ أَوْ صُنْدُوْقٍ وَنَحْوِ ذَلِكَ وَلَا يُمْكِنُ فَتْحُهَا دُوْنَ كَسْرِ أَوْ فَضِّ الخَتْمِ

  ∘ Plural of خَاتَم in Arabic

خَوَاتِم / خَوَاتِيْم

  ∘ Examples of خَاتَم in English and Arabic

An official letter with a wax seal

رِسَالَةٌ رَسْمِيَّةٌ مَخْتُوْمَةٌ بِخَاتَمٍ شَمْعِيٍّ

The sultan broke the wax seal and read the letter

فَضَّ السُّلْطَانُ الخَاتَمَ الشَّمْعِيَّ وَقَرَأَ الرِّسَالَةَ

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  ∘ خَاتَم meaning in English & Arabic

[countable] a piece of metal, a ring, etc. with a design on it, used for stamping a wax or metal seal

الخَاتَمُ هُوَ قِطْعَةٌ مَعْدَنِيَّةٌ أَوْ حَلَقَةٌ عَلَيْهِ تَصْمِيْمٌ مُحَدَّدٌ يَخْتُمُ بِهِ صَاحِبُهُ عَلَىْ شَمْعٍ وَنَحْوِهِ لِإِغْلَاقِ رِسَالَةٍ وَنَحْوِهَا

  ∘ Plural of خَاتَم in Arabic

خَوَاتِم / خَوَاتِيْم
