تعيين in English

Meaning of تعيين in English is: (appointment, determination) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

تعيين بالانجليزي

English for تعيين


1) appointment-noun


  ∘ تعيين meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Plural of تعيين in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of تعيين in English and Arabic

The appointment of judges is usually made by the president but from under the table

عادة ما يتمّ تعيين القضاة من قبل الرّئيس ولكن من تحت الطّاولة

I was congratulated on my appointment as the party's spokesperson

تمّت تهنئتي على تعييني كمتحدّث باسم الحزب

More Examples

The appointment of minister of foreign affairs of India

تعيين وزير خارجيّة الهند

Appointments and dismissals are none of your business

التعيينات والإقالات ليست من اختصاصك

  ∘ How to pronounce تعيين in English?

appointment is pronounced in English as

2) determination -noun


  ∘ تعيين meaning in English & Arabic

[uncountable] (formal) the process of deciding something officially

تعيين السّياسات هو وضع السّياسات وإقرارها رسميّا

  ∘ Examples of تعيين in English and Arabic

The determination of new policies for protecting the environment

تعيين سياسات جديدة لحماية البيئة

The determination of policies is not the president's business

تعيين السّياسات ليس من اختصاص الرّئيس

More Examples

The determination of foreign policy

تعيين السّياسة الخارجيّة

  ∘ How to pronounce تعيين in English?

determination is pronounced in English as

English for تعيين


1) appointment-noun


  ∘ تَعْيِيْن meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Plural of تَعْيِيْن in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of تَعْيِيْن in English and Arabic

The appointment of judges is usually made by the president but from under the table

عَادَةً مَا يَتِمُّ تَعْيِيْنُ القُضَاةِ مِنْ قِبَلِ الرَّئِيْسِ وَلَكِنْ مِنْ تَحْتِ الطَّاوِلَةِ

I was congratulated on my appointment as the party's spokesperson

تَمَّتْ تَهْنِئَتِيْ عَلَىْ تَعْيِيْنِيْ كَمُتَحَدِّثٍ بِاسْمِ الحِزْبِ

More Examples

The appointment of minister of foreign affairs of India

تَعْيِيْنُ وَزِيْرِ خَارِجِيَّةِ الهِنْدِ

Appointments and dismissals are none of your business

التَعْيِيْنَاتُ وَالإِقَالَاتُ لَيْسَتْ مِنْ اخْتِصَاصِكَ

  ∘ How to pronounce تَعْيِيْن in English?

appointment is pronounced in English as

2) determination -noun


  ∘ تَعْيِيْن meaning in English & Arabic

[uncountable] (formal) the process of deciding something officially

تَعْيِيْنُ السِّيَاسَاتِ هُوَ وَضْعُ السِّيَاسَاتِ وَإِقْرَارُهَا رَسْمِيًّا

  ∘ Examples of تَعْيِيْن in English and Arabic

The determination of new policies for protecting the environment

تَعْيِيْنُ سِيَاسَاتٍ جَدِيْدَةٍ لِحِمَايَةِ البِيْئَةِ

The determination of policies is not the president's business

تَعْيِيْنُ السِّيَاسَاتِ لَيْسَ مِنِ اخْتِصَاصِ الرَّئِيْسِ

More Examples

The determination of foreign policy

تَعْيِيْنُ السِّيَاسَةِ الخَارِجِيَّةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce تَعْيِيْن in English?

determination is pronounced in English as
