بريء in English

Meaning of بريء in English is: (innocent) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

بريء بالانجليزي

English for بريء


1) innocent-adj


  ∘ بريء meaning in English & Arabic

not guilty of a crime, etc.; not having done something wrong

غير مذنب بارتكاب جريمة أو أي خطأ

  ∘ Examples of بريء in English and Arabic

He was found innocent of all charges.

وجد بريئا من جميع التهم.

She has an innocent look.

لديها مظهر بريء.

More Examples

The comment was made with innocent intentions.

أدلي بالتعليق بنوايا بريئة.

Children are considered innocent.

يعتبر الأطفال بريئين.

He claims to be innocent.

يدّعي أنه بريء.

Her face seemed completely innocent.

بدا وجهها بريئا تماما.

  ∘ How to pronounce بريء in English?

innocent is pronounced in English as

English for بريء


1) innocent-adj


  ∘ بريء meaning in English & Arabic

not guilty of a crime, etc.; not having done something wrong

غير مذنب بارتكاب جريمة أو أي خطأ

  ∘ Examples of بريء in English and Arabic

He was found innocent of all charges.

وُجد بريئاً من جميع التهم.

She has an innocent look.

لديها مظهر بريء.

More Examples

The comment was made with innocent intentions.

أُدلي بالتعليق بنوايا بريئة.

Children are considered innocent.

يُعتبر الأطفال بريئين.

He claims to be innocent.

يدّعي أنه بريء.

Her face seemed completely innocent.

بدا وجهها بريئًا تمامًا.

  ∘ How to pronounce بريء in English?

innocent is pronounced in English as
