بارع in English

Meaning of بارع in English is: (skilled, brilliant, capable) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

بارع بالانجليزي

English for بارع


1) skilled-adj


  ∘ بارع meaning in English & Arabic

having enough ability, experience and knowledge to be able to do something well

بارع أي لديه المهارة والخبرة والمعرفة المطلوبة للقيام بمهمّة محدّدة على وجه حسن

  ∘ Plural of بارع in Arabic

بارعون / بارعين / بارعات

  ∘ Examples of بارع in English and Arabic

The deputy minister is highly skilled at negotiating

نائب الوزير بارع في التّفاوض إلى حدّ بعيد

Ahmad is a skilled engineer

أحمد مهندس بارع

More Examples

Skilled smiths are in great demand

الحدّادون البارعون مطلوبون بصورة عظيمة

  ∘ How to pronounce بارع in English?

skilled is pronounced in English as

2) brilliant-adj


  ∘ بارع meaning in English & Arabic

very successful

بارع أيّ ساطع و مبهر و رائع

  ∘ Plural of بارع in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of بارع in English and Arabic

They rewarded him for his brilliant work.

كافؤوه لعمله البارع.

Her new novel achieved a brilliant hit.

إن روايتها الجديدة حققت نجاح بارع.

More Examples

It was a brilliant film and deserves the prize.

كان فيلنا بارعا يستحق الجائزة.

  ∘ How to pronounce بارع in English?

brilliant is pronounced in English as

3) capable-adj


  ∘ بارع meaning in English & Arabic

having the ability to do things well

بارع أيّ متفوق و لديّه القدرة على القيام بعمل ما بشكل جيّد جدا

  ∘ Plural of بارع in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of بارع in English and Arabic

He is a very capable professor in science.

إنه بروفيسور بارع في العلوم.

She has a capable mind which makes her a reference.

لديّها عقل بارع يجعلها مرجع.

More Examples

They are respectable because they are capable workers.

إنهم محترمون لأنهم عمّال بارعون.

  ∘ How to pronounce بارع in English?

capable is pronounced in English as

English for بارع


1) skilled-adj


  ∘ بَارِع meaning in English & Arabic

having enough ability, experience and knowledge to be able to do something well

بَارِعٌ أَيْ لَدَيْهِ المَهَارَةُ وَالخِبْرَةُ وَالمَعْرِفَةُ المَطْلُوْبَةُ لِلْقِيَامِ بِمَهَمَّةٍ مُحَدَّدَةٍ عَلَىْ وَجْهٍ حَسَنٍ

  ∘ Plural of بَارِع in Arabic

بَارِعُوْنَ / بَارِعِيْنَ / بَارِعَات

  ∘ Examples of بَارِع in English and Arabic

The deputy minister is highly skilled at negotiating

نَائِبُ الوَزِيْرِ بَارِعٌ فِيْ التَّفَاوُضِ إِلَىْ حَدٍّ بَعِيْدٍ

Ahmad is a skilled engineer

أَحْمَدُ مُهَنْدِسٌ بَارِعٌ

More Examples

Skilled smiths are in great demand

الحَدَّادُوْنَ البَارِعُوْنَ مَطْلُوْبُوْنَ بِصُوْرَةٍ عَظِيْمَةٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce بَارِع in English?

skilled is pronounced in English as

2) brilliant-adj


  ∘ بارع meaning in English & Arabic

very successful

بارع أيّ ساطع و مبهر و رائع

  ∘ Plural of بارع in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of بارع in English and Arabic

They rewarded him for his brilliant work.

كافؤوه لعمله البارع.

Her new novel achieved a brilliant hit.

إن روايتها الجديدة حققت نجاح بارع.

More Examples

It was a brilliant film and deserves the prize.

كان فيلناً بارعاً يستحق الجائزة.

  ∘ How to pronounce بارع in English?

brilliant is pronounced in English as

3) capable-adj


  ∘ بارع meaning in English & Arabic

having the ability to do things well

بارع أيّ متفوق و لديّه القدرة على القيام بعمل ما بشكل جيّد جداً

  ∘ Plural of بارع in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of بارع in English and Arabic

He is a very capable professor in science.

إنه بروفيسور بارع في العلوم.

She has a capable mind which makes her a reference.

لديّها عقل بارع يجعلها مرجع.

More Examples

They are respectable because they are capable workers.

إنهم محترمون لأنهم عمّال بارعون.

  ∘ How to pronounce بارع in English?

capable is pronounced in English as
