استحمام in English

Meaning of استحمام in English is: (bath) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

استحمام بالانجليزي

English for استحمام


1) bath-noun


  ∘ استحمام meaning in English & Arabic

[countable] an act of washing your whole body by sitting or lying in water

الاستحمام هو الفعل الذي نقوم به لتنظيف أجسادنا

  ∘ Examples of استحمام in English and Arabic

She has a bath every day.

تقوم بالاستحمام كل يوم.

You should reduce the time of your bath.

يجب أن تقلل من وقت الاستحمام.

More Examples

He took a bath and shaved before going to work.

قام بالاستحمام و حلق قبل الذهاب إلى العمل.

  ∘ How to pronounce استحمام in English?

bath is pronounced in English as

English for استحمام


1) bath-noun


  ∘ استحمام meaning in English & Arabic

[countable] an act of washing your whole body by sitting or lying in water

الاستحمام هو الفعل الذي نقوم به لتنظيف أجسادنا

  ∘ Examples of استحمام in English and Arabic

She has a bath every day.

تقوم بالاستحمام كل يوم.

You should reduce the time of your bath.

يجب أن تقلل من وقت الاستحمام.

More Examples

He took a bath and shaved before going to work.

قام بالاستحمام و حلق قبل الذهاب إلى العمل.

  ∘ How to pronounce استحمام in English?

bath is pronounced in English as
