إبحار in English

Meaning of إبحار in English is: (sailing) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

إبحار بالانجليزي

English for إبحار


1) sailing-n


  ∘ إبحار meaning in English & Arabic

the sport or activity of traveling in a boat with sails

الرياضة أو النشاط الذي يتضمن السفر في قارب مزود بأشرعة

  ∘ Examples of إبحار in English and Arabic

We went sailing around the bay.

ذهبنا في رحلة إبحار حول الخليج.

He is taking sailing lessons.

هو يأخذ دروسا في الإبحار.

More Examples

Sailing competitions are held annually.

تقام مسابقات الإبحار سنويا.

The joy of sailing is unmatched.

فرحة الإبحار لا مثيل لها.

The best season for sailing varies by location.

أفضل موسم للإبحار يختلف حسب الموقع.

Sailing boats come in various shapes and sizes.

تكون قوارب الإبحار بأشكال وأحجام مختلفة.

  ∘ How to pronounce إبحار in English?

sailing is pronounced in English as

English for إبحار


1) sailing-n


  ∘ إبحار meaning in English & Arabic

the sport or activity of traveling in a boat with sails

الرياضة أو النشاط الذي يتضمن السفر في قارب مزود بأشرعة

  ∘ Examples of إبحار in English and Arabic

We went sailing around the bay.

ذهبنا في رحلة إبحار حول الخليج.

He is taking sailing lessons.

هو يأخذ دروساً في الإبحار.

More Examples

Sailing competitions are held annually.

تقام مسابقات الإبحار سنوياً.

The joy of sailing is unmatched.

فرحة الإبحار لا مثيل لها.

The best season for sailing varies by location.

أفضل موسم للإبحار يختلف حسب الموقع.

Sailing boats come in various shapes and sizes.

تكون قوارب الإبحار بأشكال وأحجام مختلفة.

  ∘ How to pronounce إبحار in English?

sailing is pronounced in English as
