English for على
1) in -preposition
على-حرف جر
∘ على meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of على in English and Arabic
The parliament was built in the French style
بني البرلمان على الطّراز الفرنسيّ
2) on -preposition
على-حرف جر
∘ على meaning in English & Arabic
used to show that something is in a position above something else and touching or covering it, or that something is moving into such a position
∘ Examples of على in English and Arabic
More Examples
∘ How to pronounce على in English?
on is pronounced in English as
على-حرف جر
∘ على meaning in English & Arabic
supported by your body, something or somebody
∘ Examples of على in English and Arabic
I hanged the clock on the wall
علّقت السّاعة على الجدار
More Examples
Click For More Meanings
على-حرف جر
∘ على meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of على in English and Arabic
I punched him on the front/chest
لكمته على صدره
على-حرف جر
∘ على meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of على in English and Arabic
على-حرف جر
∘ على meaning in English & Arabic
used to show a means of transport
∘ Examples of على in English and Arabic
I sat on a horse
ركبت على الحصان
I saw her on the bicycle
شاهدتها على الدّرّاجة
على-حرف جر
∘ على meaning in English & Arabic
used to show that somebody belongs to a group or an organization
∘ Examples of على in English and Arabic
على-حرف جر
∘ على meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of على in English and Arabic
The doctor put me on the respirator
وضعني الطّبيب على المنفّسة
على-حرف جر
∘ على meaning in English & Arabic
used to show directions
∘ Examples of على in English and Arabic
على-حرف جر
∘ على meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of على in English and Arabic
A store on the mountain
متجر على الجبل
على-حرف جر
∘ على meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of على in English and Arabic
على-حرف جر
∘ على meaning in English & Arabic
paid for by something
∘ Examples of على in English and Arabic
I've lived on debts for seven years
عشت سبع سنين على القروض
Dinner is on me
الغداء عليّ
على-حرف جر
∘ على meaning in English & Arabic
by means of something; using something
∘ Examples of على in English and Arabic
We spoke on Skype
تحدّثنا على سكايب
I phoned him on the phone
اتّصلت به على الهاتف
More Examples
There is a funny program on TV on Channel five
هناك برنامج مسل على التّلفاز على القناة الخامسة
على-حرف جر
∘ على meaning in English & Arabic
used with some nouns or adjectives to say who or what is affected by something
∘ Examples of على in English and Arabic
A ban on exporting cigarettes
حظر على استيراد السّجائر
Do not be strict on the students
لا تكن قاسيا على الطّلّاب
على-حرف جر
∘ على meaning in English & Arabic
used when giving a telephone number
∘ Examples of على in English and Arabic
You can call me on the following number
يمكنك الاتّصال بي على الرّقم التّالي
على-حرف جر
∘ على meaning in English & Arabic
on somebody's body; being worn
∘ Examples of على in English and Arabic
Put a coat on before going out, its snowing
ضع/ارتد معطفا عليك قبل الذّهاب خارجا فهي تثلج
I do not have my glass on
لم أرتد/أضع نظّاراتي (على عينيّ)
∘ How to pronounce على in English?
on is pronounced in English as
على-حرف جر
∘ على meaning in English & Arabic
covering, touching or forming part of something
∘ Examples of على in English and Arabic
Remember to put the stopper back on after drinking
تذكّر وضع الغطاء (على القنّينة) بعد أن تشرب
3) onto-preposition
على-حرف جر
∘ على meaning in English & Arabic
used with verbs to express movement on or to a particular place or position
تستخدم مع الأفعال للتعبير عن الحركة إلى مكان أو وضع معين
∘ Examples of على in English and Arabic
She climbed onto the roof.
تسلقت على السطح.
He jumped onto his bed.
قفز على سريره.
More Examples
The cat leaped onto the wall.
قفز القط على الجدار.
He threw the keys onto the table.
ألقى المفاتيح على الطاولة.
She carefully placed the vase onto the shelf.
وضعت المزهرية بعناية على الرف.
The snow fell gently onto the ground.
تساقط الثلج برفق على الأرض.
4) upon-prep
على-حرف جر
∘ على meaning in English & Arabic
(formal, especially British English) = on
∘ Examples of على in English and Arabic
She took the matter upon her responsibility.
أخذت الأمر على مسؤوليتها.
More Examples
He stumbled upon a hidden treasure.
تعثر على كنز مخفي.
Relying upon her instincts, she navigated through the forest.
اعتمادا على غرائزها، تنقلت في الغابة.
The delivery was canceled upon her demand.
تم إلغاء التسليم بناء على طلبها.
He built his theory upon a foundation of solid evidence.
بنى نظريته على أساس من الأدلة القوية.
∘ How to pronounce على in English?
upon is pronounced in English as
English for على
1) in -preposition
عَلَىْ-حرف جر
∘ عَلَىْ meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of عَلَىْ in English and Arabic
The parliament was built in the French style
بُنِيَ البَرْلَمَانُ عَلَىْ الطِّرَازِ الفِرَنْسِيِّ
2) on -preposition
عَلَىْ-حرف جر
∘ عَلَىْ meaning in English & Arabic
used to show that something is in a position above something else and touching or covering it, or that something is moving into such a position
∘ Examples of عَلَىْ in English and Arabic
More Examples
∘ How to pronounce عَلَىْ in English?
on is pronounced in English as
عَلَىْ-حرف جر
∘ عَلَىْ meaning in English & Arabic
supported by your body, something or somebody
∘ Examples of عَلَىْ in English and Arabic
I hanged the clock on the wall
عَلَّقْتُ السَّاعَةَ عَلَىْ الجِدَارِ
More Examples
On his hands and knees
عَلَىْ يَدَيْهِ وَرِجْلَيْهِ
Click For More Meanings
عَلَىْ-حرف جر
∘ عَلَىْ meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of عَلَىْ in English and Arabic
I punched him on the front/chest
لَكَمْتُهُ عَلَىْ صَدْرِهِ
عَلَىْ-حرف جر
∘ عَلَىْ meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of عَلَىْ in English and Arabic
عَلَىْ-حرف جر
∘ عَلَىْ meaning in English & Arabic
used to show a means of transport
∘ Examples of عَلَىْ in English and Arabic
I sat on a horse
رَكِبْتُ عَلَىْ الحِصَانِ
I saw her on the bicycle
شَاهَدْتُهَا عَلَىْ الدَّرَّاجَةِ
عَلَىْ-حرف جر
∘ عَلَىْ meaning in English & Arabic
used to show that somebody belongs to a group or an organization
∘ Examples of عَلَىْ in English and Arabic
عَلَىْ-حرف جر
∘ عَلَىْ meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of عَلَىْ in English and Arabic
The doctor put me on the respirator
وَضَعَنِيَ الطَّبِيْبُ عَلَىْ المُنَفِّسَةِ
عَلَىْ-حرف جر
∘ عَلَىْ meaning in English & Arabic
used to show directions
∘ Examples of عَلَىْ in English and Arabic
عَلَىْ-حرف جر
∘ عَلَىْ meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of عَلَىْ in English and Arabic
A store on the mountain
مَتْجَرٌ عَلَىْ الجَبَلِ
عَلَىْ-حرف جر
∘ عَلَىْ meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of عَلَىْ in English and Arabic
I applied for the medical school on my parents wish
دَخَلْتُ كُلِّيَةَ الطِّبِّ البَشَرِيِّ بِنَاءً عَلَىْ رَغْبَةِ وَالِدَيَّ
عَلَىْ-حرف جر
∘ عَلَىْ meaning in English & Arabic
paid for by something
∘ Examples of عَلَىْ in English and Arabic
I've lived on debts for seven years
عِشْتُ سَبْعَ سِنِيْنٍ عَلَىْ القُرُوْضِ
Dinner is on me
الغَدَاءُ عَلَيَّ
عَلَىْ-حرف جر
∘ عَلَىْ meaning in English & Arabic
by means of something; using something
∘ Examples of عَلَىْ in English and Arabic
We spoke on Skype
تَحَدَّثْنَا عَلَىْ سْكَايْبْ
I phoned him on the phone
اتَّصَلْتُ بِهِ عَلَىْ الهَاتِفِ
More Examples
There is a funny program on TV on Channel five
هُنَاكَ بَرْنَامَجٌ مُسَلٍ عَلَىْ التِّلْفَازِ عَلَىْ القَنَاةِ الخَامِسَةِ
عَلَىْ-حرف جر
∘ عَلَىْ meaning in English & Arabic
used with some nouns or adjectives to say who or what is affected by something
∘ Examples of عَلَىْ in English and Arabic
A ban on exporting cigarettes
حَظْرٌ عَلَىْ اسْتِيْرَادِ السَّجَائِرِ
Do not be strict on the students
لَا تَكُنْ قَاسِيًا عَلَىْ الطُّلَّابِ
عَلَىْ-حرف جر
∘ عَلَىْ meaning in English & Arabic
used when giving a telephone number
∘ Examples of عَلَىْ in English and Arabic
You can call me on the following number
يُمْكِنُكَ الاتِّصَالُ بِيَ عَلَىْ الرَّقَمِ التَّالِي
عَلَىْ-حرف جر
∘ عَلَىْ meaning in English & Arabic
on somebody's body; being worn
∘ Examples of عَلَىْ in English and Arabic
Put a coat on before going out, its snowing
ضَعْ/ارْتَدِ مِعْطَفًا عَلَيْكَ قَبْلَ الذَّهَابِ خَارِجًا فَهِيَ تُثْلِجُ
I do not have my glass on
لَمْ أَرْتَدِ/أَضَعْ نَظَّارَاتِيَ (عَلَىْ عَيْنَيَّ)
∘ How to pronounce عَلَىْ in English?
on is pronounced in English as
عَلَىْ-حرف جر
∘ عَلَىْ meaning in English & Arabic
covering, touching or forming part of something
∘ Examples of عَلَىْ in English and Arabic
Remember to put the stopper back on after drinking
تَذَكَّرْ وَضْعَ الغِطَاءِ (عَلَىْ القِنِّيْنَةِ) بَعْدَ أَنْ تَشْرَبَ
3) onto-preposition
على-حرف جر
∘ على meaning in English & Arabic
used with verbs to express movement on or to a particular place or position
تُستخدم مع الأفعال للتعبير عن الحركة إلى مكان أو وضع معين
∘ Examples of على in English and Arabic
She climbed onto the roof.
تسلقت على السطح.
He jumped onto his bed.
قفز على سريره.
More Examples
The cat leaped onto the wall.
قفز القط على الجدار.
He threw the keys onto the table.
ألقى المفاتيح على الطاولة.
She carefully placed the vase onto the shelf.
وضعت المزهرية بعناية على الرف.
The snow fell gently onto the ground.
تساقط الثلج برفق على الأرض.
4) upon-prep
عَلَىْ-حرف جر
∘ عَلَىْ meaning in English & Arabic
(formal, especially British English) = on
∘ Examples of عَلَىْ in English and Arabic
She took the matter upon her responsibility.
أخذت الأمر على مسؤوليتها.
More Examples
He stumbled upon a hidden treasure.
تعثر على كنز مخفي.
Relying upon her instincts, she navigated through the forest.
اعتمادًا على غرائزها، تنقلت في الغابة.
The delivery was canceled upon her demand.
تم إلغاء التسليم بناءً على طلبها.
He built his theory upon a foundation of solid evidence.
بنى نظريته على أساس من الأدلة القوية.
∘ How to pronounce عَلَىْ in English?
upon is pronounced in English as