worry in Arabic

Meaning of worry in Arabic is: (قَلِقَ) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

worry in Arabic

Arabic for worry

1) worry-verb


  ∘ worry meaning in Arabic & English

to keep thinking about unpleasant things that might happen or about problems that you have

الاستمرار في التفكير في الأمور غير السارة التي قد تحدث أو حول المشاكل التي تواجهها

  ∘ Examples of worry in Arabic and English

She worries about her exams.

تقلق بشأن امتحاناتها.

He worried that he might not finish his work on time.

قلق من أنه قد لا ينهي عمله بالوقت المحدد.

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They worry too much about the future.

يقلقون كثيرا بشأن المستقبل.

I worry about my health sometimes.

أقلق أحيانا بشأن صحتي.

Parents worry about their children safety.

يقلق الآباء بشأن سلامة أطفالهم.

She worried over the smallest details.

قلقت بشأن أصغر التفاصيل.

  ∘ How to pronounce worry in English?

The word worry is pronounced in English as

Arabic for worry

1) worry-verb


  ∘ worry meaning in Arabic & English

to keep thinking about unpleasant things that might happen or about problems that you have

الاستمرار في التفكير في الأمور غير السارة التي قد تحدث أو حول المشاكل التي تواجهها

  ∘ Examples of worry in Arabic and English

She worries about her exams.

تقلق بشأن امتحاناتها.

He worried that he might not finish his work on time.

قلق من أنه قد لا ينهي عمله بالوقت المحدد.

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They worry too much about the future.

يقلقون كثيرًا بشأن المستقبل.

I worry about my health sometimes.

أقلق أحيانًا بشأن صحتي.

Parents worry about their children safety.

يقلق الآباء بشأن سلامة أطفالهم.

She worried over the smallest details.

قلقت بشأن أصغر التفاصيل.

  ∘ How to pronounce worry in English?

The word worry is pronounced in English as
