variety in Arabic

Meaning of variety in Arabic is: (تنوع) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

variety in Arabic

Arabic for variety

1) variety-n


  ∘ variety meaning in Arabic & English

several different sorts of the same thing

أنواع مختلفة من نفس الشيء

  ∘ Examples of variety in Arabic and English

The store offers a wide variety of fruit.

يقدم المتجر تنوعا واسعا من الفواكه.

The garden was full of a variety of flowers.

كانت الحديقة مليئة بتنوع من الزهور.

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He enjoys reading books of various varieties.

يستمتع بقراءة كتب من تنوعات مختلفة.

The conference attracted a variety of experts.

جذبت المؤتمر تنوعا من الخبراء.

The museum showcased a variety of ancient artifacts.

عرض المتحف تنوعا من القطع الأثرية القديمة.

She explored a variety of career options.

بحثت عن تنوعا من خيارات الوظائف.

  ∘ How to pronounce variety in English?

The word variety is pronounced in English as

Arabic for variety

1) variety-n


  ∘ variety meaning in Arabic & English

several different sorts of the same thing

أنواع مختلفة من نفس الشيء

  ∘ Examples of variety in Arabic and English

The store offers a wide variety of fruit.

يقدم المتجر تنوعًا واسعًا من الفواكه.

The garden was full of a variety of flowers.

كانت الحديقة مليئة بتنوع من الزهور.

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He enjoys reading books of various varieties.

يستمتع بقراءة كتب من تنوعات مختلفة.

The conference attracted a variety of experts.

جذبت المؤتمر تنوعًا من الخبراء.

The museum showcased a variety of ancient artifacts.

عرض المتحف تنوعًا من القطع الأثرية القديمة.

She explored a variety of career options.

بحثت عن تنوعًا من خيارات الوظائف.

  ∘ How to pronounce variety in English?

The word variety is pronounced in English as
