umbrella in Arabic

Meaning of umbrella in Arabic is: (مظلة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

umbrella in Arabic

Arabic for umbrella

1) umbrella-noun


  ∘ umbrella meaning in Arabic & English

an object with a round folding frame of long, straight pieces of metal covered with material, that you use to protect yourself from the rain or from hot sun

جسم يحتوي على إطار دائري قابل للطي مكون من قطع معدنية طويلة ومستقيمة مغطاة بمادة، تستخدم للحماية من المطر أو من شمس الحارة

  ∘ Examples of umbrella in Arabic and English

She opened her umbrella when it started raining.

فتحت مظلتها عندما بدأ المطر.

Umbrellas are necessary in both rainy and sunny weather.

المظلات ضرورية في كل من الطقس الممطر والمشمس.

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He forgot his umbrella at home and got soaked.

نسي مظلته في المنزل وتبلل.

They sell a variety of umbrellas in that store.

يبيعون مجموعة متنوعة من المظلات في تلك المتجر.

The wind was so strong it turned her umbrella inside out.

كانت الرياح قوية جدا لدرجة أنها قلبت مظلتها.

Many umbrellas were left at the entrance of the building.

تركت العديد من المظلات عند مدخل المبنى.

  ∘ How to pronounce umbrella in English?

The word umbrella is pronounced in English as

Arabic for umbrella

1) umbrella-noun


  ∘ umbrella meaning in Arabic & English

an object with a round folding frame of long, straight pieces of metal covered with material, that you use to protect yourself from the rain or from hot sun

جسم يحتوي على إطار دائري قابل للطي مكون من قطع معدنية طويلة ومستقيمة مغطاة بمادة، تُستخدم للحماية من المطر أو من شمس الحارة

  ∘ Examples of umbrella in Arabic and English

She opened her umbrella when it started raining.

فتحت مظلتها عندما بدأ المطر.

Umbrellas are necessary in both rainy and sunny weather.

المظلات ضرورية في كل من الطقس الممطر والمشمس.

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He forgot his umbrella at home and got soaked.

نسي مظلته في المنزل وتبلل.

They sell a variety of umbrellas in that store.

يبيعون مجموعة متنوعة من المظلات في تلك المتجر.

The wind was so strong it turned her umbrella inside out.

كانت الرياح قوية جدًا لدرجة أنها قلبت مظلتها.

Many umbrellas were left at the entrance of the building.

تُركت العديد من المظلات عند مدخل المبنى.

  ∘ How to pronounce umbrella in English?

The word umbrella is pronounced in English as
