traffic policeman in Arabic

Meaning of traffic policeman in Arabic is: (شُرْطِيُّ مُرُوْرٍ) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

traffic policeman in Arabic

Arabic for traffic policeman

1) traffic policeman-noun

شرطيّ مرور-اسم

  ∘ Plural of شرطيّ مرور in Arabic

شرطة مرور

  ∘ Examples of traffic policeman in Arabic and English

An alert traffic policeman was able to save the little kid

تمكّن شرطيّ مرور يقظ من إنقاذ الطّّفل الصّغير

Be careful, there is a traffic police man writing tickets

احذر, هناك شرطيّ مرور يكتب مخالفات مروريّة

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One of policemen's duties is to manage the traffic

أحد واجبات شرطة المرور هي تنظيم السّير

Arabic for traffic policeman

1) traffic policeman-noun

شُرْطِيُّ مُرُوْرٍ-اسم

  ∘ Plural of شُرْطِيُّ مُرُوْرٍ in Arabic

شُرْطَةُ مُرُورِ

  ∘ Examples of traffic policeman in Arabic and English

An alert traffic policeman was able to save the little kid

تَمَكَّنَ شُرطِيُّ مُرُورٍ يَقِظٍ مِن إِنقَاذِ الطِّّفلِ الصَّغِيرِ

Be careful, there is a traffic police man writing tickets

احْذَر, هُنَاكَ شُرطِيُّ مُرُورٍ يَكتُبُ مُخَالَفَاتٍ مُرُورِيَّةٍ

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One of policemen's duties is to manage the traffic

أَحَدُ وَاجِبَاتِ شُرطَةِ المُرُورِ هُيَ تَنظِيمُ السَّيرِ
