to in Arabic

Meaning of to in Arabic is: (إلى) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

to in Arabic

Arabic for to

1) to-prep

إلى-حرف جر

  ∘ to meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of to in Arabic and English

He walked to the store.

مشى إلى المتجر.

She is going to the park.

ستذهب إلى الحديقة.

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They moved to a new city.

انتقلوا إلى مدينة جديدة.

He sent a letter to his friend.

أرسل رسالة إلى صديقه.

I listened to the music.

استمعت إلى الموسيقى.

We are traveling to Italy next month.

سنسافر إلى إيطاليا الشهر المقبل.

Arabic for to

1) to-prep

إلى-حرف جر

  ∘ to meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of to in Arabic and English

He walked to the store.

مشى إلى المتجر.

She is going to the park.

ستذهب إلى الحديقة.

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They moved to a new city.

انتقلوا إلى مدينة جديدة.

He sent a letter to his friend.

أرسل رسالة إلى صديقه.

I listened to the music.

استمعت إلى الموسيقى.

We are traveling to Italy next month.

سنسافر إلى إيطاليا الشهر المقبل.
