supporter in Arabic

Meaning of supporter in Arabic is: (مؤيد) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

supporter in Arabic

Arabic for supporter

1) supporter-n


  ∘ supporter meaning in Arabic & English

a person who supports a political party, an idea, etc.

شخص يدعم حزبا سياسيا، فكرة، إلخ.

  ∘ Examples of supporter in Arabic and English

He is a strong supporter of environmental protection.

هو مؤيد قوي لحماية البيئة.

The political candidate thanked his supporters.

شكر المرشح السياسي مؤيديه.

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She found many supporters for her charity initiative.

وجدت الكثير من المؤيدين لمبادرتها الخيرية.

Their supporters cheered loudly during the match.

هتف مؤيدوهم بصوت عال خلال المباراة.

Supporters of the new law gathered outside the parliament.

تجمع مؤيدو القانون الجديد خارج البرلمان.

The organization has supporters worldwide.

تمتلك المنظمة مؤيدين حول العالم.

Arabic for supporter

1) supporter-n


  ∘ supporter meaning in Arabic & English

a person who supports a political party, an idea, etc.

شخص يدعم حزبًا سياسيًا، فكرة، إلخ.

  ∘ Examples of supporter in Arabic and English

He is a strong supporter of environmental protection.

هو مؤيد قوي لحماية البيئة.

The political candidate thanked his supporters.

شكر المرشح السياسي مؤيديه.

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She found many supporters for her charity initiative.

وجدت الكثير من المؤيدين لمبادرتها الخيرية.

Their supporters cheered loudly during the match.

هتف مؤيدوهم بصوت عالٍ خلال المباراة.

Supporters of the new law gathered outside the parliament.

تجمع مؤيدو القانون الجديد خارج البرلمان.

The organization has supporters worldwide.

تمتلك المنظمة مؤيدين حول العالم.
