satisfy in Arabic

Meaning of satisfy in Arabic is: (لبى) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

satisfy in Arabic

Arabic for satisfy

1) satisfy-v


  ∘ satisfy meaning in Arabic & English

to make somebody pleased by doing or giving them what they want

إسعاد شخص ما بالقيام بما يرغبون فيه أو تقديم ما يريدونه

  ∘ Examples of satisfy in Arabic and English

The movie did not satisfy the audience's expectations.

لم يلب الفيلم توقعات الجمهور.

They changed the design to satisfy the client

غيروا التصميم لتلبية متطلبات العميل.

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The new policy did not satisfy the community's needs.

لم تلب السياسة الجديدة احتياجات المجتمع.

  ∘ How to pronounce satisfy in English?

The word satisfy is pronounced in English as

Arabic for satisfy

1) satisfy-v


  ∘ satisfy meaning in Arabic & English

to make somebody pleased by doing or giving them what they want

إسعاد شخص ما بالقيام بما يرغبون فيه أو تقديم ما يريدونه

  ∘ Examples of satisfy in Arabic and English

The movie did not satisfy the audience's expectations.

لم يلبِ الفيلم توقعات الجمهور.

They changed the design to satisfy the client

غيروا التصميم لتلبية متطلبات العميل.

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The new policy did not satisfy the community's needs.

لم تُلبِ السياسة الجديدة احتياجات المجتمع.

  ∘ How to pronounce satisfy in English?

The word satisfy is pronounced in English as
