Arabic for ruler
1) ruler -noun
∘ ruler meaning in Arabic & English
∘ Plural of حاكم in Arabic
حكّام/ حاكمون
∘ Examples of ruler in Arabic and English
∘ How to pronounce ruler in English?
The word ruler is pronounced in English as
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2) ruler-noun
∘ ruler meaning in Arabic & English
a smooth-sharped straight strip of wood, plastic or metal usually marked with units such as inches or centimeters, used for measuring or drawing straight lines
أداة مستقيمة مدرّجة بواحدات قياس مختلفة كالإنش و السّانتي متر تستخدم لقياس الأطوال أو لرسم خطوط مستقيمة
∘ Plural of مسطرة in Arabic
∘ Examples of ruler in Arabic and English
Draw straight lines using the ruler and circles using the compass
ارسم خطوطا مستقيمة باستخدام المسطرة و ارسم الدّوائر باستخدام الفرجار
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∘ How to pronounce ruler in English?
The word ruler is pronounced in English as
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Arabic for ruler
1) ruler -noun
∘ ruler meaning in Arabic & English
∘ Plural of حَاكِم in Arabic
حُكَّام/ حَاكِمُوْن
∘ Examples of ruler in Arabic and English
The crown price was the real rulers of the country
كَانَ وَلِيُّ العَهْدِ الحَاكُمُ الفِعْلِيُّ لِلْبِلَادِ
He killed his rivals to become the sole ruler of the country
قَتَلَ مُنَافِسِيْهِ لِيُصْبِحَ الحَاكِمَ الأَوْحَدَ لِلْبِلَادِ
∘ How to pronounce ruler in English?
The word ruler is pronounced in English as
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2) ruler-noun
∘ ruler meaning in Arabic & English
a smooth-sharped straight strip of wood, plastic or metal usually marked with units such as inches or centimeters, used for measuring or drawing straight lines
أَداةٌ مُستَقِيمَةٌ مُدَرَّجَةً بِواحِداتِ قِياسٍ مُختَلِفَةٍ كَالإِنشِ وَ السَّانتي مِترَ تُستَخدَمُ لِقِياسِ الأَطوالِ أَو لِرَسمِ خُطوطٍ مُستقيمَة
∘ Plural of مِسطَرَة in Arabic
∘ Examples of ruler in Arabic and English
Draw straight lines using the ruler and circles using the compass
ارْسُمْ خُطُوطَاً مُستَقيمَةً بِاستِخدامِ المِسطَرَةِ وَ ارسُمْ الدَّوائِرَ بِاستِخدامِ الفِرجَارِ
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∘ How to pronounce ruler in English?
The word ruler is pronounced in English as
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