reputation in Arabic

Meaning of reputation in Arabic is: (سمعة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

reputation in Arabic

Arabic for reputation

1) reputation-noun


  ∘ reputation meaning in Arabic & English

the opinion that people have about what somebody/something is like, based on what has happened in the past

الرأي الذي يحمله الناس عمّا هو شخص ما أو شيء ما، استنادا إلى ما حدث في الماضي

  ∘ Examples of reputation in Arabic and English

He has a good reputation.

لديه سمعة جيدة.

The company has a special reputation in quality.

لدى الشركة سمعة متميزة في الجودة.

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Their reputation suffered due to poor performance.

تضررت سمعتهم بسبب الأداء الضعيف.

Reputations can be difficult to rebuild.

قد يكون إعادة بناء السمعة أمرا صعبا.

She has earned a reputation for being reliable.

اكتسبت سمعة بأنها موثوقة.

The school has an excellent reputation.

المدرسة لها سمعة ممتازة.

  ∘ How to pronounce reputation in English?

The word reputation is pronounced in English as

Arabic for reputation

1) reputation-noun


  ∘ reputation meaning in Arabic & English

the opinion that people have about what somebody/something is like, based on what has happened in the past

الرأي الذي يحمله الناس عمّا هو شخصٌ ما أو شيءٌ ما، استناداً إلى ما حدث في الماضي

  ∘ Examples of reputation in Arabic and English

He has a good reputation.

لديه سمعة جيدة.

The company has a special reputation in quality.

لدى الشركة سمعة متميزة في الجودة.

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Their reputation suffered due to poor performance.

تضررت سمعتهم بسبب الأداء الضعيف.

Reputations can be difficult to rebuild.

قد يكون إعادة بناء السمعة أمرًا صعبًا.

She has earned a reputation for being reliable.

اكتسبت سمعة بأنها موثوقة.

The school has an excellent reputation.

المدرسة لها سمعة ممتازة.

  ∘ How to pronounce reputation in English?

The word reputation is pronounced in English as
