pray in Arabic

Meaning of pray in Arabic is: (دعا) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

pray in Arabic

Arabic for pray

1) pray-verb


  ∘ pray meaning in Arabic & English

to speak to God, especially to give thanks or ask for help

التحدث إلى الله، خاصة لتقديم الشكر أو طلب المساعدة

  ∘ Examples of pray in Arabic and English

They pray before eating.

يدعون قبل الأكل.

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They gathered to pray.

اجتمعوا كي يدعون

She prays every night.

تدعو كل ليلة.

We pray together every morning.

ندعوا معا كل صباح.

They prayed for good health.

دعوا من أجل الصحة الجيدة.

  ∘ How to pronounce pray in English?

The word pray is pronounced in English as

Arabic for pray

1) pray-verb


  ∘ pray meaning in Arabic & English

to speak to God, especially to give thanks or ask for help

التحدث إلى الله، خاصة لتقديم الشكر أو طلب المساعدة

  ∘ Examples of pray in Arabic and English

They pray before eating.

يدعون قبل الأكل.

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They gathered to pray.

اجتمعوا كي يدعون

She prays every night.

تدعو كل ليلة.

We pray together every morning.

ندعوا معًا كل صباح.

They prayed for good health.

دعوا من أجل الصحة الجيدة.

  ∘ How to pronounce pray in English?

The word pray is pronounced in English as
