positive in Arabic

Meaning of positive in Arabic is: (إيجابي) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

positive in Arabic

Arabic for positive

1) positive-adj


  ∘ positive meaning in Arabic & English

good or useful in qualities

جيد أو مفيد في الصفات

  ∘ Examples of positive in Arabic and English

She has a positive attitude towards work.

لديها موقف إيجابي تجاه العمل.

Positive feedback is important for improvement.

التغذية الراجعة الإيجابية مهمة للتحسين.

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The results were positive.

كانت النتائج إيجابية.

He received a positive response.

تلقى استجابة إيجابية.

A positive outlook is essential for success.

النظرة الإيجابية ضرورية للنجاح.

Positive changes have been noted.

تم تسجيل تغييرات إيجابية.

  ∘ How to pronounce positive in English?

The word positive is pronounced in English as

Arabic for positive

1) positive-adj


  ∘ positive meaning in Arabic & English

good or useful in qualities

جيد أو مفيد في الصفات

  ∘ Examples of positive in Arabic and English

She has a positive attitude towards work.

لديها موقف إيجابي تجاه العمل.

Positive feedback is important for improvement.

التغذية الراجعة الإيجابية مهمة للتحسين.

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The results were positive.

كانت النتائج إيجابية.

He received a positive response.

تلقى استجابة إيجابية.

A positive outlook is essential for success.

النظرة الإيجابية ضرورية للنجاح.

Positive changes have been noted.

تم تسجيل تغييرات إيجابية.

  ∘ How to pronounce positive in English?

The word positive is pronounced in English as
