parent in Arabic

Meaning of parent in Arabic is: (والد) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

parent in Arabic

Arabic for parent

1) parent-n


  ∘ parent meaning in Arabic & English

a person

والد الشخص أو والدته

  ∘ Examples of parent in Arabic and English

My parents are visiting me next week.

سيزوراني والداي الأسبوع المقبل.

He is a single parent.

هو والد أعزب.

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Parents need to attend the meeting.

يجب على الوالدين حضور الاجتماع.

She constantly worries about becoming a good parent.

هي تقلق باستمرار حول كيفية أن تصبح والدة جيدة.

Both of his parents are teachers.

كلا والديه معلمين.

The role of parents in education is fundamental.

دور الوالدين في التعليم أساسي.

  ∘ How to pronounce parent in English?

The word parent is pronounced in English as

Arabic for parent

1) parent-n


  ∘ parent meaning in Arabic & English

a person

والد الشخص أو والدته

  ∘ Examples of parent in Arabic and English

My parents are visiting me next week.

سيزوراني والداي الأسبوع المقبل.

He is a single parent.

هو والد أعزب.

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Parents need to attend the meeting.

يجب على الوالدين حضور الاجتماع.

She constantly worries about becoming a good parent.

هي تقلق باستمرار حول كيفية أن تصبح والدة جيدة.

Both of his parents are teachers.

كلا والديه معلمين.

The role of parents in education is fundamental.

دور الوالدين في التعليم أساسي.

  ∘ How to pronounce parent in English?

The word parent is pronounced in English as
