neat in Arabic

Meaning of neat in Arabic is: (أنيق) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

neat in Arabic

Arabic for neat

1) neat-adj


  ∘ neat meaning in Arabic & English

tidy and in order; carefully done or arranged

مرتب ومنظم؛ معد أو مرتب بعناية

  ∘ Examples of neat in Arabic and English

His room is always neat.

غرفته دائما أنيقة.

She keeps her desk neat.

تحافظ على مكتبها أنيقا.

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Look at the neat arrangement of books on the shelf.

انظر إلى الترتيب الأنيق للكتب على الرف.

He wore a neat suit to the interview.

ارتدى بدلة أنيقة للمقابلة.

A neat handwriting is easy to read.

خط أنيق سهل القراءة.

The garden looked neat and well cared for.

بدت الحديقة أنيقة ومعتنى بها جيدا.

  ∘ How to pronounce neat in English?

The word neat is pronounced in English as

Arabic for neat

1) neat-adj


  ∘ neat meaning in Arabic & English

tidy and in order; carefully done or arranged

مرتب ومنظم؛ معد أو مرتب بعناية

  ∘ Examples of neat in Arabic and English

His room is always neat.

غرفته دائماً أنيقة.

She keeps her desk neat.

تحافظ على مكتبها أنيقا.

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Look at the neat arrangement of books on the shelf.

انظر إلى الترتيب الأنيق للكتب على الرف.

He wore a neat suit to the interview.

ارتدى بدلة أنيقة للمقابلة.

A neat handwriting is easy to read.

خط أنيق سهل القراءة.

The garden looked neat and well cared for.

بدت الحديقة أنيقة ومعتنى بها جيداً.

  ∘ How to pronounce neat in English?

The word neat is pronounced in English as
