mostly in Arabic

Meaning of mostly in Arabic is: (غالبًا) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

mostly in Arabic

Arabic for mostly

1) mostly-adv


  ∘ mostly meaning in Arabic & English

mainly; generally

بشكل رئيسي؛ عادة

  ∘ Examples of mostly in Arabic and English

I mostly go to bed early.

غالبا أذهب إلى الفراش مبكرا.

She is mostly interested in painting.

إنها مهتمة غالبا بالرسم.

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The audience was mostly adults.

كان الجمهور غالبا من البالغين.

We mostly eat vegetarian food.

نأكل غالبا الطعام النباتي.

It's mostly sunny in July.

يكون الجو غالبا مشمسا في يوليو.

They mostly shop online.

يتسوقون غالبا عبر الإنترنت.

  ∘ How to pronounce mostly in English?

The word mostly is pronounced in English as

Arabic for mostly

1) mostly-adv


  ∘ mostly meaning in Arabic & English

mainly; generally

بشكل رئيسي؛ عادة

  ∘ Examples of mostly in Arabic and English

I mostly go to bed early.

غالباً أذهب إلى الفراش مبكرًا.

She is mostly interested in painting.

إنها مهتمة غالبًا بالرسم.

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The audience was mostly adults.

كان الجمهور غالبًا من البالغين.

We mostly eat vegetarian food.

نأكل غالبًا الطعام النباتي.

It's mostly sunny in July.

يكون الجو غالبًا مشمسًا في يوليو.

They mostly shop online.

يتسوقون غالبًا عبر الإنترنت.

  ∘ How to pronounce mostly in English?

The word mostly is pronounced in English as
