load in Arabic

Meaning of load in Arabic is: (حمولة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

load in Arabic

Arabic for load

1) load-n


  ∘ load meaning in Arabic & English

something that is being carried (usually in large amounts) by a person, vehicle, etc.

شيء يتم نقله (عادة بكميات كبيرة) بواسطة شخص، مركبة، إلخ.

  ∘ Examples of load in Arabic and English

The truck was carrying a heavy load.

كانت الشاحنة تحمل حمولة ثقيلة.

He struggled to lift the load onto his back.

عانى لرفع الحمولة إلى ظهره.

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The loading capacity of the boat was exceeded by the load.

تجاوزت الحمولة القدرة الاستيعابية للقارب.

We must distribute the load evenly across the truck.

يجب توزيع الحمولة بالتساوي عبر الشاحنة.

The load of goods was transported to the warehouse.

نقلت حمولة البضائع إلى المستودع.

  ∘ How to pronounce load in English?

The word load is pronounced in English as

Arabic for load

1) load-n


  ∘ load meaning in Arabic & English

something that is being carried (usually in large amounts) by a person, vehicle, etc.

شيء يتم نقله (عادة بكميات كبيرة) بواسطة شخص، مركبة، إلخ.

  ∘ Examples of load in Arabic and English

The truck was carrying a heavy load.

كانت الشاحنة تحمل حمولة ثقيلة.

He struggled to lift the load onto his back.

عانى لرفع الحمولة إلى ظهره.

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The loading capacity of the boat was exceeded by the load.

تجاوزت الحمولة القدرة الاستيعابية للقارب.

We must distribute the load evenly across the truck.

يجب توزيع الحمولة بالتساوي عبر الشاحنة.

The load of goods was transported to the warehouse.

نُقلت حمولة البضائع إلى المستودع.

  ∘ How to pronounce load in English?

The word load is pronounced in English as
