humid in Arabic

Meaning of humid in Arabic is: (رَطِب) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

humid in Arabic

Arabic for humid

1) humid -adj


  ∘ humid meaning in Arabic & English

Warm and damp

  ∘ Examples of humid in Arabic and English

These trees grow in humid areas

تنمو هذه الأشجار في المناطق الرّطبة

The weather today is hot and humid

الجوّ/ الطّقس اليوم حارّ ورطب

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A humid atmosphere

جّوّ رطب

  ∘ How to pronounce humid in English?

The word humid is pronounced in English as

Arabic for humid

1) humid -adj


  ∘ humid meaning in Arabic & English

Warm and damp

  ∘ Examples of humid in Arabic and English

These trees grow in humid areas

تَنْمُوْ هِذِهِ الأَشْجَارُ فِيْ المَنَاطِقِ الرَّطِبَةِ

The weather today is hot and humid

الجَوُّ/ الطَّقْسُ اليَوْمَ حَارٌّ وَرَطِبٌ

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A humid atmosphere

جَّوٌّ رَطِبٌ

  ∘ How to pronounce humid in English?

The word humid is pronounced in English as
