hill in Arabic

Meaning of hill in Arabic is: (تل) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

hill in Arabic

Arabic for hill

1) hill-n


  ∘ hill meaning in Arabic & English

an area of land that is higher than the land around it, but not as high as a mountain

منطقة من الأرض أعلى من المناطق المحيطة بها، ولكن ليست بارتفاع الجبل

  ∘ Examples of hill in Arabic and English

The hill overlooks the entire valley.

يطل التل على الوادي بأكمله.

These children love climbing the hill.

يحب هؤلاء الأطفال الصعود على التل.

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The village is situated at the foot of a large hill.

تقع القرية على سفح تل كبير.

They decided to hike up the hill to get a better view.

قرروا الصعود إلى التل للحصول على منظر أفضل.

There are several small houses are scattered across the hill.

هناك عدة منازل صغيرة متناثرة على التل.

  ∘ How to pronounce hill in English?

The word hill is pronounced in English as

Arabic for hill

1) hill-n


  ∘ hill meaning in Arabic & English

an area of land that is higher than the land around it, but not as high as a mountain

منطقة من الأرض أعلى من المناطق المحيطة بها، ولكن ليست بارتفاع الجبل

  ∘ Examples of hill in Arabic and English

The hill overlooks the entire valley.

يطل التل على الوادي بأكمله.

These children love climbing the hill.

يحب هؤلاء الأطفال الصعود على التل.

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The village is situated at the foot of a large hill.

تقع القرية على سفح تل كبير.

They decided to hike up the hill to get a better view.

قرروا الصعود إلى التل للحصول على منظر أفضل.

There are several small houses are scattered across the hill.

هناك عدة منازل صغيرة متناثرة على التل.

  ∘ How to pronounce hill in English?

The word hill is pronounced in English as
