grant in Arabic

Meaning of grant in Arabic is: (منح) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

grant in Arabic

Arabic for grant

1) grant-v


  ∘ grant meaning in Arabic & English

to agree to give somebody what they ask for, especially formal or legal permission to do something

الموافقة على إعطاء شخص ما ما يطلبونه، خاصة الإذن الرسمي أو القانوني لفعل شيء

  ∘ Examples of grant in Arabic and English

The university granted him a scholarship.

منحته الجامعة منحة دراسية.

The government granted the company permission to start the project.

منحت الحكومة الشركة الإذن لبدء المشروع.

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She was granted access to the restricted files.

منحت الوصول إلى الملفات المحظورة.

A patent was granted to the inventor.

منح الاختراع براءة اختراع.

They were granted asylum in the country.

منحوا حق اللجوء في البلاد.

The request for an extension was granted.

منحت الموافقة على طلب التمديد.

  ∘ How to pronounce grant in English?

The word grant is pronounced in English as

Arabic for grant

1) grant-v


  ∘ grant meaning in Arabic & English

to agree to give somebody what they ask for, especially formal or legal permission to do something

الموافقة على إعطاء شخص ما ما يطلبونه، خاصة الإذن الرسمي أو القانوني لفعل شيء

  ∘ Examples of grant in Arabic and English

The university granted him a scholarship.

منحته الجامعة منحة دراسية.

The government granted the company permission to start the project.

منحت الحكومة الشركة الإذن لبدء المشروع.

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She was granted access to the restricted files.

مُنحت الوصول إلى الملفات المحظورة.

A patent was granted to the inventor.

مُنح الاختراع براءة اختراع.

They were granted asylum in the country.

منحوا حق اللجوء في البلاد.

The request for an extension was granted.

مُنحت الموافقة على طلب التمديد.

  ∘ How to pronounce grant in English?

The word grant is pronounced in English as
