fellow in Arabic

Meaning of fellow in Arabic is: (زميل) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

fellow in Arabic

Arabic for fellow

1) fellow-adj


  ∘ fellow meaning in Arabic & English

used to describe somebody who is the same as you in some way, or in the same situation

تستخدم لوصف شخص ما يكون مثلك بطريقة ما، أو في نفس الوضع

  ∘ Examples of fellow in Arabic and English

He is my fellow employee.

هو زميلي في العمل.

She found support among her fellow students.

وجدت الدعم بين زملائها الطلاب.

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We are fellow travelers on this trip.

نحن زملاء مسافرين في هذه الرحلة.

They are fellow members of the same club.

هم أعضاء زملاء في نفس النادي.

I met with my fellow committee members.

اجتمعت مع زملائي في اللجنة.

We shared our concerns with our fellow citizens.

شاركنا مخاوفنا مع زملائنا المواطنين.

  ∘ How to pronounce fellow in English?

The word fellow is pronounced in English as

Arabic for fellow

1) fellow-adj


  ∘ fellow meaning in Arabic & English

used to describe somebody who is the same as you in some way, or in the same situation

تستخدم لوصف شخص ما يكون مثلك بطريقة ما، أو في نفس الوضع

  ∘ Examples of fellow in Arabic and English

He is my fellow employee.

هو زميلي في العمل.

She found support among her fellow students.

وجدت الدعم بين زملائها الطلاب.

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We are fellow travelers on this trip.

نحن زملاء مسافرين في هذه الرحلة.

They are fellow members of the same club.

هم أعضاء زملاء في نفس النادي.

I met with my fellow committee members.

اجتمعت مع زملائي في اللجنة.

We shared our concerns with our fellow citizens.

شاركنا مخاوفنا مع زملائنا المواطنين.

  ∘ How to pronounce fellow in English?

The word fellow is pronounced in English as
