exciting in Arabic

Meaning of exciting in Arabic is: (مثير) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

exciting in Arabic

Arabic for exciting

1) exciting-adj


  ∘ exciting meaning in Arabic & English

causing great interest or excitement

يسبب اهتماما كبيرا أو إثارة

  ∘ Examples of exciting in Arabic and English

The movie was exciting.

كان الفيلم مثيرا.

She found the game very exciting.

وجدت اللعبة مثيرة جدا.

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The news is exciting.

الخبر مثير.

He told us an exciting story.

حكى لنا قصة مثيرة.

The concert was exciting.

كان الحفل مثيرا.

The discovery was exciting.

كان الاكتشاف مثيرا.

  ∘ How to pronounce exciting in English?

The word exciting is pronounced in English as

Arabic for exciting

1) exciting-adj


  ∘ exciting meaning in Arabic & English

causing great interest or excitement

يسبب اهتماماً كبيراً أو إثارة

  ∘ Examples of exciting in Arabic and English

The movie was exciting.

كان الفيلم مثيراً.

She found the game very exciting.

وجدت اللعبة مثيرة جداً.

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The news is exciting.

الخبر مثير.

He told us an exciting story.

حكى لنا قصة مثيرة.

The concert was exciting.

كان الحفل مثيراً.

The discovery was exciting.

كان الاكتشاف مثيراً.

  ∘ How to pronounce exciting in English?

The word exciting is pronounced in English as
