elect in Arabic

Meaning of elect in Arabic is: (انتخب) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

elect in Arabic

Arabic for elect

1) elect-verb


  ∘ elect meaning in Arabic & English

to choose somebody to do a particular job by voting for them

اختيار شخص ما للقيام بوظيفة معينة عن طريق التصويت له

  ∘ Examples of elect in Arabic and English

They elected him mayor.

انتخبوه رئيسا للبلدية.

She was elected as the party leader.

تم انتخابها كزعيمة للحزب.

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Voters will elect a new president next month.

سينتخب الناخبون رئيسا جديدا الشهر المقبل.

He hopes to be elected to the board of directors.

يأمل أن ينتخب عضوا في مجلس الإدارة.

She is running to be elected as a senator.

تترشح لتنتخب كسيناتور.

  ∘ How to pronounce elect in English?

The word elect is pronounced in English as

Arabic for elect

1) elect-verb


  ∘ elect meaning in Arabic & English

to choose somebody to do a particular job by voting for them

اختيار شخص ما للقيام بوظيفة معينة عن طريق التصويت له

  ∘ Examples of elect in Arabic and English

They elected him mayor.

انتخبوه رئيساً للبلدية.

She was elected as the party leader.

تم انتخابها كزعيمة للحزب.

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Voters will elect a new president next month.

سينتخب الناخبون رئيساً جديداً الشهر المقبل.

He hopes to be elected to the board of directors.

يأمل أن يُنتخب عضوا في مجلس الإدارة.

She is running to be elected as a senator.

تترشح لتُنتخب كسيناتور.

  ∘ How to pronounce elect in English?

The word elect is pronounced in English as
