dust storm in Arabic

Meaning of dust storm in Arabic is: (عَاصِفَةٌ غُبَارِيَّة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

dust storm in Arabic

Arabic for dust storm

1) dust storm -noun

عاصفة غباريّة-اسم

  ∘ dust storm meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Plural of عاصفة غباريّة in Arabic

عواصف غباريّة

  ∘ Examples of dust storm in Arabic and English

Tomorrow was announced as an official day off because of the dust storm

تمّ إعلان يوم غد عطلة رسميّة بسبب العاصفة الغباريّة

Dust storms caused human and economic losses

سبّبت العواصف الغباريّة خسائر بشريّة واقتصاديّة

Arabic for dust storm

1) dust storm -noun

عَاصِفَةٌ غُبَارِيَّة-اسم

  ∘ dust storm meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Plural of عَاصِفَةٌ غُبَارِيَّة in Arabic

عَوَاصِفٌ غُبَارِيَّة

  ∘ Examples of dust storm in Arabic and English

Tomorrow was announced as an official day off because of the dust storm

تَمَّ إِعْلَانُ يَوْمِ غَدٍ عُطْلَةً رَسْمِيَّةً بِسَبَبِ العَاصِفَةِ الغُبَارِيَّةِ

Dust storms caused human and economic losses

سَبَّبَتِ العَوَاصِفُ الغُبَارِيَّةُ خَسَائِرَ بَشَرِيَّةً وَاقْتِصَادِيَّةً
