dream in Arabic

Meaning of dream in Arabic is: (حلم) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

dream in Arabic

Arabic for dream

1) dream-n


  ∘ dream meaning in Arabic & English

a series of images, events and feelings that happen in your mind while you are asleep

سلسلة من الصور والأحداث والمشاعر التي تحدث في عقلك بينما أنت نائم

  ∘ Examples of dream in Arabic and English

I had a strange dream last night.

كان لدي حلم غريب الليلة الماضية.

Dreams can sometimes be very vivid.

يمكن أن تكون الأحلام واضحة جدا أحيانا.

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She keeps a dream journal.

تحتفظ بمفكرة لأحلامها.

Some believe dreams have meanings.

يعتقد البعض أن الأحلام لها معاني.

He rarely remembers his dreams.

نادرا ما يتذكر أحلامه.

Their dreams were filled with adventures.

كانت أحلامهم مليئة بالمغامرات.

  ∘ How to pronounce dream in English?

The word dream is pronounced in English as

Arabic for dream

1) dream-n


  ∘ dream meaning in Arabic & English

a series of images, events and feelings that happen in your mind while you are asleep

سلسلة من الصور والأحداث والمشاعر التي تحدث في عقلك بينما أنت نائم

  ∘ Examples of dream in Arabic and English

I had a strange dream last night.

كان لدي حلم غريب الليلة الماضية.

Dreams can sometimes be very vivid.

يمكن أن تكون الأحلام واضحة جداً أحياناً.

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She keeps a dream journal.

تحتفظ بمفكرة لأحلامها.

Some believe dreams have meanings.

يعتقد البعض أن الأحلام لها معاني.

He rarely remembers his dreams.

نادراً ما يتذكر أحلامه.

Their dreams were filled with adventures.

كانت أحلامهم مليئة بالمغامرات.

  ∘ How to pronounce dream in English?

The word dream is pronounced in English as
