curve in Arabic

Meaning of curve in Arabic is: (انحناء، منحنى) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

curve in Arabic

Arabic for curve

1) curve-n.


  ∘ curve meaning in Arabic & English

a line or surface that bends gradually; a smooth bend

خط أو سطح ينثني تدريجيا؛ انحناء ناعم

  ∘ Examples of curve in Arabic and English

The road has a sharp curve.

الطريق لديه انحناء حاد.

She drew a curve on the paper.

رسمت انحناء على الورق.

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The ball followed a perfect curve.

تبعت الكرة انحناء مثالي.

The architect designed curves into the structure of the building.

صمم المعماري انحناءات ضمن هيكل المبنى.

They arranged the seats to form a curve.

رتبوا المقاعد على شكل انحناء .

He drove around the curve.

قاد سيارته حول الانحناء.

  ∘ How to pronounce curve in English?

The word curve is pronounced in English as

2) curve-noun


  ∘ curve meaning in Arabic & English

a line or surface that bends gradually; a smooth bend

المنحنى هو الخط أو السطح الذي ينحني تدريجيا أوانحناء ناعم

  ∘ Examples of curve in Arabic and English

The road has a sharp curve ahead.

الطريق يحتوي على منحنى حاد أمامه.

he graph showed a steep curve in sales last year.

.أظهر الرسم البياني منحنى حاد في المبيعات العام الماضي

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The river follows a natural curve through the valley.

يتبع النهر منحنى طبيعي عبر الوادي.

He plotted the data on a curve to analyze the trend.

رسم البيانات على منحنى لتحليل الاتجاه.

  ∘ How to pronounce curve in English?

The word curve is pronounced in English as

Arabic for curve

1) curve-n.


  ∘ curve meaning in Arabic & English

a line or surface that bends gradually; a smooth bend

خط أو سطح ينثني تدريجياً؛ انحناء ناعم

  ∘ Examples of curve in Arabic and English

The road has a sharp curve.

الطريق لديه انحناء حاد.

She drew a curve on the paper.

رسمت انحناء على الورق.

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The ball followed a perfect curve.

تبعت الكرة انحناء مثالي.

The architect designed curves into the structure of the building.

صمم المعماري انحناءات ضمن هيكل المبنى.

They arranged the seats to form a curve.

رتبوا المقاعد على شكل انحناء .

He drove around the curve.

قاد سيارته حول الانحناء.

  ∘ How to pronounce curve in English?

The word curve is pronounced in English as

2) curve-noun


  ∘ curve meaning in Arabic & English

a line or surface that bends gradually; a smooth bend

المنحنى هو الخط أو السطح الذي ينحني تدريجيًا أوانحناء ناعم

  ∘ Examples of curve in Arabic and English

The road has a sharp curve ahead.

الطريق يحتوي على منحنى حاد أمامه.

he graph showed a steep curve in sales last year.

.أظهر الرسم البياني منحنى حاد في المبيعات العام الماضي

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The river follows a natural curve through the valley.

يتبع النهر منحنى طبيعي عبر الوادي.

He plotted the data on a curve to analyze the trend.

رسم البيانات على منحنى لتحليل الاتجاه.

  ∘ How to pronounce curve in English?

The word curve is pronounced in English as
